Monday, April 06, 2009

Editorial: Part I - Our Leaders Betray Us – National Security: By m3report (NAFBPO) + Comment

Editorial: Part I - Our Leaders Betray Us – National Security

By m3report

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Foreign News Report

The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) extracts and condenses the material that follows from Mexican and Central and South American on-line media sources on a daily basis. You are free to disseminate this information, but we request that you credit NAFBPO as being the provider.


Saturday 4/4/09


El Universal (Mexico City) 4/3/09


An international high level group is to be formed between Mexico and the US to analyze and formulate public policy regarding migration matters in a more efficient manner.  In a private meeting between Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Espinosa, and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, the two agreed to study the problem of migration in order to seek solutions to problems including undocumented migration, protection of human rights, procedures for repatriation, and informing the public about the risks of crossing the border illegally.



El Financiero (Mexico City) 4/3/09


A Costa Rican truck driver was arrested trying to cross into Nicaragua with a load of 207 kilos of cocaine, nearly a million dollars and a firearm.  The driver was trying to enter through a remote northern border post called Penas Blancas on the Pan-American highway.



El Informador (Guadalajara, Jalisco) 4/3/09


The Chief of Homicides of the Jalisco state Department of justice was shot and killed in a vehicle to vehicle attack in Zapopan, Jalisco.  The Chief had served about three years in that position.  Two suspects have been arrested.



Sunday 4/5/09


Milenio (Mexico City) 4/4/09


A presumed member of the crime organization Los Zetas was executed Saturday morning and his body dumped in front of the military compound in the port city of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, with a narco message that read: "This is what happens to those who support Los Zetas.  Yours truly, La Familia Michoacana."  The body was discovered at 5:30 a.m. by soldiers outside their enclosure.  It showed signs of torture.  This makes the eighth execution murder connected to organized crime that has occurred in the port city since the beginning of April.

A reader commented: "How is it possible that under the noses of the guardians of our homeland they come and toss bodies?  Are they sleeping or what?"  The only other reader comment was more succinct: "Guardians of our country? Ha!"



El Informador (Guadalajara, Jalisco) 4/4/09


The two suspects arrested in the assassination of the Chief of the homicide division of the Jalisco state Department of Justice [yesterday's brief report ] have been identified as probable members of Los Zetas.  The Mayor of Zapopan, Jalisco, has requested that the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) authorize the municipal police who captured the suspects to carry their weapons even when out of uniform.

 The purpose of the request is for their protection against possible reprisal by organized crime.  The Mayor said that it is a sad situation when an honest person like the state officer is killed, but it is a "direct sign" that Los Zetas respect no one.



Cambio de Michoacan (Morelia, Michoacan) 4/4/09


Dr. Ruy Perez Tamayo, Chief of the Department of Medicine at Mexico City's General Hospital, is also a scientific investigator and professor emeritus at several universities in the world.  He asserts that Mexico has never had a true general plan of development by the government to promote science and technology.  He said, that in Mexico, for every 10,000 people there is fewer than one scientist.  Compared to other countries, he said, the outlook for Mexico is crushing.  As an example, he cited other countries' ratios of scientists to 10,000 inhabitants:  Chile, 3; Cuba, 4; Spain, 5; Canada, 11; and the US, 35.  Dr. Perez Tamayo said the problem for Mexico is endemic, "part of the pathology of poverty."



Monday 4/6/09


El Universal (Mexico City) 4/5/09


An armed group ambushed and killed a municipal police commander in Rosarito Beach, Baja California, as he had finished his shift Saturday evening.  According to early reports, it seems the official was chased by a vehicle carrying the group that killed him.  Although he left his vehicle in an attempt to escape, the attackers caught him and finished him with shots to the head.


Last month, nearly a hundred police agents from two cities in Baja California have been called in by the AFI [equiv. FBI ] to testify about links to organized crime.  Of those, 23 from Tijuana have been dismissed from the department and charged with crimes.


At least three journalists have lost their lives and 46 have been attacked in Mexico so far this year while carrying out their professional work.  The attacks against them include arbitrary detention, breaking and entering, intimidation and cruel or degrading treatment, among others.  The most dangerous areas to practice journalism are the states of Oaxaca, Veracruz, Federal District, Nuevo Leon and Michoacan.  In the previous two years for this same period, 18 and 19 such attacks, respectively, were recorded.  The data are kept by the Mexican National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH).



La Cronica de Hoy (Mexico City) 4/5/09


The Hispanic labor force in the US, concentrated in construction, restaurants and services, is being affected by a rising rate of unemployment that reached 11.4% in March.  A total of 13.2 million US workers were unemployed in March, according to the US Department of Labor.  The leader of a construction local in Virginia affiliated with the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) said that in his area there are several projects that are helping Latinos.  Nevertheless, he said "the situation is bad" and many Latinos cannot get unemployment benefits because of their immigration status.  "I recommend that the workers take care of their jobs because it is hard to  find work and it looks like the situation won't improve in the near future," he said.  Hilda Solis, US Secretary of Labor emphasized the efforts of the government to raise the level of unemployment benefits and increase training opportunities for workers. [Although the article does not directly address the effect on unauthorized workers, it gives a clue by a quoting David Strauss, director of the Association of  Farmworker Opportunity Programs: ] "The new figures of loss of employment are bad news, especially for migrant agricultural workers and seasonal workers."



El Sol de Mexico (Mexico City) 4/5/09


Last February 22, one of the vehicles that was escorting the governor of Chihuahua, Jose Reyes Baeza, was attacked by an armed group from another vehicle.  One of the governor's senior bodyguards was killed and two others were wounded.  The attackers escaped.  One March 31, two of the suspects were arrested in Chihuahua after a vehicle chase.  Both men were in possession of AR-15 rifles they had stolen from the governor's bodyguards in the attack on his caravan.  The federal Department of Justice agents (PGR) persuaded the two to divulge the location of their other two partners in crime.  The four belonged to "La Linea," the armed branch of the Juarez cartel.  All are now in custody and awaiting trial.



El Imparcial (Hermosillo, Sonora) 4/5/09


In a joint operation, the Mexican Army and Chiapas state police arrested four presumed members of Los Zetas.  The operation was carried out in the cities of Tuxtla Gutierrez, San Cristobal de las Casas and Comitan de Dominguez.  During the arrests, police freed two kidnap victims and seized firearms and armored vehicles.



Excelsior (Mexico City) 4/5/09


Excelsior's graphic casualty count by state, updated daily:



-end of report-


April 6, 2009

This editorial appears on April 6, 2009.  The schedule published with our first editorial in this series on March 24 indicated that the editorial for today would deal with national security and public safety.  Taken together, those two subjects comprise a body of thought too broad to be addressed in one piece.  Therefore, we will look today at the national security element of the two, and tomorrow we will speak to public safety.

 Our Leaders Betray Us – National Security
In years past it was recognized that a thoughtful immigration policy ought to protect the United States from those who would do us harm – and harm can come to us in a number of forms, some not immediately visible.  For example, during the Cold War, Communists were not eligible to enter the United States except under very limited circumstances and their travel and activities were severely defined.  Even long before Communism became an issue, our immigration laws barred the entry of anarchists or subversives.

Now, reflecting modern realities, the law says that terrorists, or terrorist supporters, or those coming to commit an act of terrorism are not eligible for entry.  One would certainly hope not.

However, for laws like that to be effective, there must be a means of enforcement, and enforcement calls for identification of, in this example, terrorists.  How are we to do that?

The visa process is, or was, anyway, a useful tool for that purpose.  Briefly, a visa is a license to apply for admission to the U.S. at a port of entry.  It does not guarantee that the holder will be allowed in, only that he may present himself to an immigration officer – without a proper visa, the immigration officer won't even consider letting the alien into the U.S. 

 In days past, someone wanting to come to the United States took his passport (a document issued by his home country that serves to identify him) to the U.S. Consul (a U.S. State Department official in that foreign country) and applied for a visa.  In that application, he said who he was, answered questions about things he had done or not done (was a Communist, for example), and what he intended to do in this country.  In a perfect world, the consul then verified that his passport was valid and all the other things that mattered, did a brief investigation of the applicant's background, and issued the visa, or not.  As a practical matter, it was not a flawless process, but it was useful when done with diligence by U.S. officials – which has been rare since the 1970s.

However, while the visa process is still in place for some purposes, its value has been eroded by a number of factors, largely inattention by the nation and its consular staffs to its purpose.  Visas are issued by the U.S. Department of State, and, taken as a whole, our State Department is embarrassed by having to tell a foreigner that he can't come to the U.S; they don't like saying "No".  Furthermore, they

For reasons clear to anyone interested in national security, interior enforcement is a must.  If anyone had been paying attention to that need, those "students" who brought us 9/11 would have been located when they dropped out of school and questioned about what they were up to.   The fact they were no longer in school could have resulted in their removal from the country even if it had not been possible to prove that they were up to murder. 

Even now, there are Islamic terrorist training camps in this country, staffed by aliens (who may have come here legally, but for illicit purposes), but there is no action being taken against them by immigration authorities.  Those people should be found, identified, detained, and deported, but they are not.  Instead, they are free to continue giving their lessons to our domestic idiots, would-be terrorists who will happily blow other Americans up.  To be sure, the FBI may well have them under surveillance, even penetrated by informants, but they must gather evidence that can be used in court, perhaps even wait for some overt act, a dangerous thing.  Instead, we should put our immigration laws to the use for which they were intended.  Such interior enforcement was done well into the 1970s, but it was curtailed due to bureaucratic and political pressures; 3,000 people paid the predictable price on 9/11.  

Without a strong interior enforcement posture, the border can never be secured.  As long as aliens think they can roam the U.S. with impunity, doing what they will (be it work, or killing) they will get past any number of patrols and technology.  No illegal alien should feel secure in his activities once he is here; he is breaking the law, he represents a threat, and he should be looking over his shoulder every second.  In fact, he has nothing to fear, though, for interior enforcement has to all intents and purposes, been stifled in recent years, and gutted in recent months.  As in the case of protecting our jobs, it seems clear that too many of our leaders just do not give a damn.  Obama, Reed, Pelosi, Napolitano, and their Amen Chorus in Congress seek to stifle any meaningful efforts at controlling the presence of illegal aliens in this country.  Pelosi even goes so far as to make the despicable statement that attempts to do so are un-American.

We are being betrayed by our leaders.  We leave them in place at our peril, for they obviously do not see protecting us as part of their job descriptions.  That must be changed, and soon.

 Kent Lundgren
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers

Schedule of Editorials – these will appear on our website,, and our daily Foreign Media Report.

March 24 – Introductory Editorial
March 30 – American jobs for American workers
April 6 – National security and public safety (1st half)
April 7 - National security and public safety (2nd half)
April 13 – Public health and social impact




Comment: Take the above for what it is worth. There is always a whole lot more going on than can ever be covered by the major news organs and news services. A wider purview helps us have a wider perspective of it all. I came across this website via Google Search engine..

A good knowledge of the daily news helps us keep on track with what is going on in the world and there are some parts we hardly ever hear about through corporate controlled media services. Anyone with any border news should share what they come across with us all. We are actually building historical archives for ourselves and for our descendants.

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Keeping pounds off called key to minorities' health

Keeping pounds off called key to minorities' health

Annual summit also addresses ways to defuse violence at home

By E. Richard Walton • STAFF WRITER • April 5, 2009

Dr. Ian Smith, a physician and diet expert, said Saturday in Greenville that many chronic illnesses are linked to America's growing epidemic of obesity.


"It's particularly acute for African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities," he said at the third annual Minority Health Summit. "What it's doing to children is criminal."

Obesity has been linked to everything from diabetes to heart attacks, but it isn't something people are comfortable talking about, said Smith, a regular on programs such as "Larry King Live," "Anderson Cooper 360" and "The View."

"Obesity is not a sexy topic," he told a crowd of more than 1,600 at the Carolina First Center. "I would argue that obesity should be in the forefront."

Smith, creator of "The 50 Million Pound Challenge," recommended small changes now to avoid the life-shattering ones forced by stroke, high blood pressure and heart attacks. They include eating more vegetables and fruits, exercising at least 30 minutes a day three to five days a week, and avoiding fried foods.

"For a change, can't you broil the chicken instead of frying it?" he said. "Can't you take the skin off?"

Another speaker, Dr. Dana Ray, said blacks are twice as likely as whites to contract diabetes.

Dr. Thaddeus Bell of Charleston, gave a talk imploring attendees to exercise, stop smoking and make sure that when they visit their doctors they come away with a complete understanding of what their cholesterol and other numbers mean. He also said patients should ask their doctors for generic drugs, which are less expensive and just as effective.

Bell also took on domestic violence in a "Beauty/Barbershop Talk" seminar, a format designed to give the feel of an informal discussion. Violent behavior usually begins with shouting, he said, not hitting. So either stop it before it turns physical, he said, or get out of range.

It's advice that might help turn around this sobering South Carolina statistic: The Palmetto State is second nationally in domestic violence deaths, according to Safe Harbor, a Greenville-based nonprofit.


Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Tougher learning standards are working. Why do some lawmakers want to weaken them?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Our editorial: MEAP sweep

Tougher learning standards are working. Why do some lawmakers want to weaken them?

Michigan students are catching up with the rest of the industrial world in learning -- and we have higher standards to thank for that. Yet some shortsighted state lawmakers still want to lower them.

For the fourth consecutive year, Michigan children posted improved math scores. In results that were released late last week, more than 75 percent of students in grades 3-8 tested as proficient or better in their math scores on the Michigan Educational Assessment Program test, commonly known at the MEAP. (More improvement is needed, of course, both in math and reading skills.)

Even math scores among African-Americans and Latinos, two groups that often lag in student learning, improved. Seventh-grade African-Americans' math scores jumped more than 28 percent, and seventh-grade Hispanics' rose 16 percent.

That's particularly noteworthy because Michigan's urban black children rank as the nation's worst student achievers in their peer group, according to recent national test scores. Middle school math competence is a strong predictor of high school success.

"These kids should do better in high school," says Jan Ellis, a Michigan Department of Education spokesperson.

What accounts for the improvement? More accountability for teachers and academic rigor.

In the 2004-05 school year, Michigan provided teachers with a common understanding of what should be taught in classrooms. It also demanded better instruction from teachers.

The lesson: Expect more from teachers and students, and they will deliver.

You'd think state legislators would get this lesson by now. But some can't seem to learn.

Democratic state Rep. Joel Sheltrown of West Branch is one of these lawmakers. He believes Michigan's young people need the same training as they did in the 1960s.

His supporters, and they are growing in number, seek to gut Michigan's high school curriculum before it's even been fully implemented. Sheltrown and other lawmakers have introduced a bill that allows students to bypass the curriculum requirements.

Sheltrown argues he wants to help students by making high school easier. Providing students with dumbed-down classes won't help anyone.

What Sheltrown and his supporters may not realize is that if they dilute the curriculum, they risk losing hundreds of millions of federal dollars. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has said states that don't have high curriculum standards and accountability for their schools will not be eligible for much of the federal education stimulus dollars.

Michigan's new curriculum and the accountability for teachers have proven themselves a success.

Too few things are working in Michigan. We shouldn't mess with those that are.

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Alumni explore Latino issues at conference

Alumni explore Latino issues at conference

Charlotte Wang Contributing Reporter
Published Monday, April 6, 2009

More than 200 Latino alumni from around the country gathered at Yale this weekend for the University's first-ever Latino Alumni reunion, where participants celebrated the growth of the University's Latino community and discussed the challenges it still faces.

Through roundtable discussions, panels and workshops on the history of Latinos at Yale, alumni addressed reaching out to Latino prospective students, increasing Latino representation on campus and building stronger regional networks of Latino alumni nationwide.

"The Latino community on campus has grown significantly over the past 30 years," said Rosalinda Garcia, assistant dean of Yale College and director of La Casa Cultural. "I am thrilled to see so many alumni crying out of happiness to see the fruit of their work."

Garcia said the reunion allowed students on campus to show gratitude for the legacy of Latino alumni at Yale — a legacy that includes the pre-orientation program Cultural Connections and the ethnic counselor program, which the University is phasing out this year. For alumni, the event, which took more than a year to plan, was also a chance to see how Yale has changed since they last walked its halls.

"This is a special event that brings back memories of how difficult it was for Latinos to feel comfortable at Yale," said Eduard Padro '75, who founded Despierta Boricua, an organization for Puerto Rican students. "The very first issue was the lack of representation back in the '70s."

At the reunion's closing ceremony, La Casa's undergraduate coordinators outlined work that remains to be done on Yale's campus. Nicole de Paz '11, Diandra Fermin '12 and Jennifer Ramos '10 said efforts need to be made to expand alumni mentoring and to attract both Latino students and tenured faculty. And Latino activities on campus could be much more vibrant with more financial backing, Garcia said, adding that the $2,000 La Casa was given to plan Latino Heritage Month events left students "forced to spend so much time on fundraising."

Latino alumni have never held a reunion on a national level, said Daniel Acosta, co-chairman of the interim board of directors of the Yale Latino Alumni Association, despite strong Latino involvement in local alumni associations.

"We expect to get people here to feel the excitement and opportunities for an organization like this," Acosta said, "we hope to push for organizational awareness and get 500 people for the next reunion."

Students the University characterizes as "Hispanic" make up 8.1 percent of the undergraduate student body.

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan