Domingo, Diciembre 27, 2009 ~
Hermanos y Hermanas ~ Venceremos Unidos means we win united, not divided.
Mi Raza is all of the human family, all peoples, all colors, all lands. My land is
Aztlan. I have ceased to think or identify myself as an American or any nation's
ego. When we all fully grasp that our collective liberation struggle is in its core quintessence a spiritual struggle we will be onto Paulo Freire's theory of "conscientizacao" in his Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
We need to override the mind of the ego on the linear plane ~ its prejudice preferences ~ and come to see ourselves as spirits inhabiting a human-physical form. We are not solely our mind, thus, the idiocy of waging 'ideological-cultural' struggles amongst our own people! The fragile Macho ego is much to blame here, our insistence on our having to be right and thus making the other wrong. We are ultimately spiritual beings. We have been raised in a fascist-repressive society that instills in us a desire for and fear of liberation ~ true total liberation!
In my line of work I witness human suffering on a constant basis without let up.
I work with hungry, homeless and often hopeless people of all ethnic groups in
what I consider a domestic refugee camp. I have a Mexican client now who is without legal documents, is nearly blind, needs a cataract operation. He has been kicked out by his wife's family onto the streets ending up here because he quite simply could not longer bring tortillias and beans onto the kitchen table.
Zero income, zero employability. He is timing out...
Sadness also stimulates and when I see division among our gente it saddens my
heart, as it should sadden yours. We are of the greatest people in all of human
history who have been divorced from our Creator, lost our lands and have been abandoned by a fascist-racist government who would love all of us to just go back
to Mexico, but they cannot figure out who is who!
Now we get caught up in pointless arguments and wash our dirty laundry out in the market square online?!? We need to truly love, respect and understand one another in the spirit of liberation.
"A more critical understanding of the situation of oppression does not yet liberate the oppressed. But the revelation is a step in the right direction."
~ Pablo Freire, Pedagogy of Hope ~ http://www.perfectfit.org/CT/freire5.html
Venceremos Unidos! Education for Liberation!
Peter S. López, Jr. aka~Peta
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
From: Sergio Hernandez <chiliverde@earthlink.net>
To: NetworkAztlan_Action@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, December 26, 2009 12:22:33 AM
Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_Action] Press Conference: Protest LAPD Stealing Cars from Raza during Xmas Season!!
Yes Serg,
you just described comfy. Your in your little world obviously oblivious to the other dimension that people who don't have documents live, right next to us. You get to come and go as you please without a thought. They have to go outdoors in total fear day in and day out. Your comfy world includes only taking things so far, just enough so that it fits in your neat definition of how things are. Anything outside of this and its relegated to "conspiracy theories". How convenient.
I guess you don't know about "Endgame", a DHS plan that was released in 2003 that calls for deporting every undocumented by the year 2012. Attached is a copy. I don't know if the list will let me send it, but if you search the Internet, find it, download it and check it out. It is right on track.
Here in Arizona, social service workers have been ordered to report any undocumented applying for aid for their citizen children to ICE. Its in effect as of this month. I could go on.
But the real kicker are the trade agreements that are devastating Mexico's and Central America's markets to the tune of 1600 Mexicans and 700 Salvadorans a day having to abandon their country and head this way. Did you know this? Does that factor into your equation?
Like the response to remark. Want them to get insurance? Give them a license. End of story. Its like the religous fanatics who are against sex education because they think it will promote sex among youth. Its already going on, so learn to live with it, don't hide your head in the sand.
Rather than get pissed off at the poor schmuck who has to drive without insurance or a license, get pissed of at the state that refuses to acknowledge the existence of millions of workers who must drive and let the drive legally. Why make a big deal of it?
Aim your frustration at getting things changed, not persecuting even further those who are already being hunted down.
DHS reported that by July of last year they had deported 90,000 minors and dumped them across the border with no parents, no one responsible for them, just let them go to fend for themselves. These are the results of actions like these random spot checks where people get not only their cars taken, but busted leading to the separation of their families. There are children who will never see their family again as they have been separated during raids, stops, arrests, etc.
You should check this stuff out and not hide your head in the sand.
--- On Thu, 12/24/09, Sergio Hernandez <chiliverde@earthlin k.net> wrote:
From: Sergio Hernandez <chiliverde@earthlin k.net>
Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_ Action] Press Conference: Protest LAPD Stealing Cars from Raza during Xmas Season!!
To: NetworkAztlan_ Action@yahoogrou ps.com
Date: Thursday, December 24, 2009, 3:02 PM
Well Tony I don't understand what you mean when you say I'm a "Comfy Chicano" you don't know anything about me. But if Comfy Chicano means getting up and going to work, making a house note, paying your debts, insuring and registering your cars and educating your kids and teaching them to be socially conscious then I'm guilty. Just like a million other Chicanos who hang in there when it would be so easy to run from adversity or the scene of an accident like our undocumented brothers. Anyway you drive when your drunk, you drive unlicensed and unregistered you take your chances. You'll will never convince me it's a conspiracy. I'll let you ponder black heliocopters, magic bullets, 911 conspiracy theories and poisoned contrails... ......Serg
Hey! Then why stop there? Why not just say their illegal and that they shouldn't even be here? Lets just nuke em! Cause that's where your argument leads!
I would sympathize with you if the punishment were a fine or ticket, but they are taking people's means of getting to and from work. It is part of the tightening of the noose. You don't see it?
Its cool to criticize when you don't face the fire. You speak like one of those comfy "Chicanos" who is all for "La Raza", except if they don't have insurance or a license!
--- On Tue, 12/22/09, Serge Hernandez <chiliverde@earthlin k.net> wrote:
From: Sergio Hernandez <chiliverde@earthlin k.net>
Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_ Action] Press Conference: Protest LAPD Stealing Cars from Raza during Xmas Season!!
To: NetworkAztlan_ Action@yahoogrou ps.com
Date: Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 11:40 PMThis is bull...If your not legally registered and insured you deserve to lose your vehicle. I wouldn't want me or one of my family members to be hit and injured by one of these irresponsible people would you! I don't care who you are.... ....this is not a conspiracy it's the law! How come most us make the sacrifice to insure our vehicles even though we can't afford it........Serg
Community organizations to denounce Los Angeles Police Department and the Sherriff's Department for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during ChristmasDecember 23, 2009Union Del Barrio along with other community and student organizations will denounce the increasing wave of LAPD and Sherriff's "Sobriety" Checkpoints which are being used to legally steal thousands of cars from undocumented Immigrants. The LAPD's stealing cars from Immigrants has become a multimillion dollar industry that is now being used to bring in funds to alleviate the city's budget deficit. This is being done at the expense of the undocumented community. This is particularly shameful during the holiday season.Under the pretext of looking for drunk drivers, the Police and Sherriff's Departments are specifically racially profiling Latinos by strategically placing "Sobriety" checkpoints in predominantly Latino communities. Both of those departments acknowledge that the GREAT majority of the cars impounded are NOT from drunk drivers but from unlicensed drivers; most of whom are undocumented.The central objectives will be:1) To call for an IMMEDIATE halt to the impounding of vehicles at sobriety checkpoints for people who are NOT under the influence2) To make a call for our communities to defend themselves from the Police and Sherriff's Departments by resisting the Checkpoints3) To announce a January 27th Community Forum focused on Community Defense from LAPD/Sherriff' s Checkpoints
4) To distribute our Hotline # to report Checkpoints (323) 602-3425Organizers will be available for interviewsContact: Ron Gochez (323) 602-3425What: Community organizations to denounce LAPD and the Sherriff Department for stealing cars from ImmigrantsWhere: Centro Cultural Francisco Villa2100 Maple Ave. Los Ángeles, CA 90011
When: Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Time: 5:00 P.M
List owner: Guillermo Bejarano: aztlannet@yahoo.com
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