Thursday, December 03, 2009

See PAPER THE MOVIE & the plight of undocumented immigrant students. [1 Attachment]

12-03-09 @10:45 PM

Gracias Hermana Dorinda ~ It looks like it will be or is a good community-

oriented movie. Papers! I checked out the Video.

There is so much going on these days that it is hard to keep up from where I sit.

Our needs always overwhelm available resources. Where does natural law overthrow or trump U.S. Law?

I got a Mexican-born client who is an elderly, nearly blind, needs cataracts, there is

a local eye clinic that will help him but he still needs to look for a job. There are a lot of injustices that are going on and under the radar.

Brooke Wheatley

Papers the Movie

1631 NE Broadway, #453

PortlandOR  97212

503-799-8270 (ph)

503-284-0542 (fax)

brooke@grahamstreet productions. com

www.papersthemovie. com

Venceremos Unidos! Education for Liberation!

Peter S. López, Jr. aka~Peta

P.S. Happy Birthday to Companero Guillermo... I believe today is his birthday!


From: dorinda moreno <>
To: Virginia Lea <>; Local/National/Global <>; marcha-migrante-iv <>; Immigrant Solidarity Network <>; National Alliance Immigration Rights Coordinating Committee <>; MEChA <>; Aztlannet News <>; Tommie Camarillo <>
Sent: Thu, December 3, 2009 4:23:46 PM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] Re: PAPER THE MOVIE & the plight of undocumented immigrant students. [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from dorinda moreno included below]

source: On 12/3/09, Joaquin <jdgalvan@ucdavis. edu> wrote:

From: Dennis Lopez <dennislopez2005@>
Date: December 3, 2009 12:59:51 PM PST
Subject: Re: PAPER THE MOVIE & the plight of undocumented immigrant students.

Good Afternoon Colleagues,
I am a colleague of Sinar Lomeli. Although I have not had the opportunity to view the movie I know that Sinar Lomeli is a strong advocate for education and social justice so I am assuming the movie is great.  I look forward to seeing the movie as soon as possible.  I have attached the informational documents from the producers to my colleagues on this e-mail message.
I have been an admirer of undocumented immigrant students, their parents, and those who support them since the late 1970's in the period before the Leticia A. vs. UC Regents and CSU Trustees class action law suit in 1985.
I am anxious to see this film and to get others to see it as well.  I serve as the new Director of the Educational Opportunity Program at San Jose State University. Since my family lives in Riverside I commute home on a weekly basis. That will explain the future inquires regarding screenings of the move in the Inland Empire and the San Jose regions.  In addition I have had the honor of volunteering for the Chicano/Latino Youth Leadership Project in Sacramento every year since 1984 where, long with attorneys from the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (Executive Director Amagda Perez and Santiago Avila Gomez) and immigration attorney activist Russell Jauregui, provide a workshop and presentation on AB 540 and the DREAM Act every summer.
I look forward to hearing more about the screenings and I hope to refer you onto colleagues in the Bay Area, Sacramento, and the Inland Empire.
Dennis Lopez
Director of EOP at San Jose State University
Direct line: (408) 924-2637
Cell phone: (951) 204-8499
Member of the Leticia A. Network 1985-2010
Volunteer for the Chicano/Latino Youth Leadership Project 1984-2010
Volunteer for the Inland Empire Scholarship Fund 2005-2010


From: Brooke Wheatley - Papers the Movie <brooke@grahamstreet productions. com>
To: rachel.camacho@
Cc: Sinar Lomeli <sinar.lomeli@ alvord.k12.>; Dennis Lopez <dennislopez2005@>
Sent: Thu, December 3, 2009 10:58:52 AM

That is great!  Thank you for your support of Papers.  I just wanted to pass along the inquiry form.  It will give the groups an idea of what is needed to host a screening.  In addition, I have also attached the press kit, which gives a good overview and information about the film.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information.

Brooke Wheatley
Papers the Movie
1631 NE Broadway, #453
Portland, OR 97212
503-799-8270 (ph)
503-284-0542 (fax)

On Dec 2, 2009, at 7:23 PM, rachel.camacho@ wrote:

HI! Sinar - It is great to hear from you. After I finish my coursework this semester, I am going to approach a few of the ELLA participants and see if they would be interested in organizing a screening at their respective college campuses. I will keep you posted. Cuidate! Hope to see you sooner than later.
 ------------ -- Original message from "Sinar Lomeli" <sinar.lomeli@ alvord.k12.>: ------------ -- 

Hello Rachel and Mr.Lopez,
I am emailing you because of this wonderful documentary Papers; it's one of the best films that I have ever seen documenting the plight of undocumented students. I was fortunate enough to collaborate with the Student  Alliance for Education in order to hold a movie screening at  Riverside  Community College last month. I am reaching out to you because recently there was an action in the  San Jose area where many young students rallied asking Janet Napolitano the Secretary of Homeland Security for support of Immigration Reform. I know there is a strong movement up there hence, the reason for my email. I am not sure if you are interested in holding a screening up in San Jose but just in case I wanted to forward the website: www.papersthemovie. com and give you the contact info of Brooke Wheatley she is the individual in charge of Marketing, she is wonderful and she bent over backwards to help our event happen here in Riverside.
Brooke Wheatley
Papers the Movie
1631 NE Broadway, #453
Portland,  OR  97212
503-799-8270 (ph)
503-284-0542 (fax)
I hope you are in good health and please receive a big hug from me all the way from the  Riverside area.
In solidarity,
Guidance Office
Norte  Vista  High School
6585 Crest Avenue
Riverside,  CA  92503
Phone (951)358-1746
Fax (951)351-6640

Dorinda Moreno, Fuerza Mundial
Elders of 4 Colors 4 Directions
Hitec Aztec Collaborations/ FM Global
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For!

Corazon Del Pueblo Cultural Center
4814 International Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94601
510 532-6733

Sakura Kone', National Campaign Coordinator to save/restore Wesley United. western region speaking/media tour to address current conditions in post hurricane Katrina <natambu3@hotmail. com>
Founder, CoProducer & CoPromoter of the annual Lower 9th Ward Peoples Festival. Special Events, Speakers Bureau & Media Relations at Rebuild Green/New Orleans.
www.savewesleyunite;      www.rebuildgreen. org;

Attachment(s) from dorinda moreno

1 of 1 File(s)

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