Unidos Venceremos! United We Will Win!
~Peta-de-Aztlan~ Sacramento, California, Amerika
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy ~ Killed November 22, 1963
From: Aztatl Garza <aztatlxikano@gmail.com>
To: nm_raza_unida@yahoogroups.com; todoslibre@yahoogroups.com; vrodrig5@csulb.edu; Ada Ocampo <ahocampo@stanford.edu>; Alb Peace & Justice <mail@abqpeaceandjustice.org>; Allen Cooper <ac611@msn.com>; Antonio Velasquez <aavtonio2@yahoo.com>; Assoc.RazaEducators <razaeducatorslosangeles@yahoo.com>; Aztatl Garza <aztatlxikano@gmail.com>; Bob Anderson <citizen@comcast.net>; CJ Levine <claytonlevine@gmail.com>; claude SF/CA <claude@freedomarchives.org>; Confed.delAguila y elCondor <Kozkakuautli@gmail.com>; "Ebustill, RPMA" <Ebustill@aol.com>; Elena Herrada <elenamherrada@gmail.com>; Enrique Cardiel <magonista66@yahoo.com>; Food Not Bombs <fnb_505@yahoo.com>; International Contacts 2 <organizateraza@hotmail.com>; James Marquez <latino_thinker@yahoo.com>; Jane Yee <jane.cambio@yahoo.com>; Janet <hootaway@comcast.net>; Javier Rodriguez <bajolamiradejavier@yahoo.com>; Jeanette Soriano <Jeannette_Soriano@post.harvard.edu>; Jeanne Pahls <jeannepahls@comcast.net>; Jesse Enriquez (Lipan) <NDeLipanje@yahoo.com>; John Ross <johnross@igc.org>; JorgeDanzante GarciaSundancer <jgarcia@istec.org>; José Cuello <josecuello@wowway.com>; Joy Soler <solerjoy@hotmail.com>; LatinoSolidarityNetwork <lasnet.latinosolidarity@gmail.com>; Lisa Burns <solas@unm.edu>; Marc Page <lovarchy@gmail.com>; Maria Cecilia Gallegos <xicaguerillera@hotmail.com>; Mary(Poet) Oishi <poetoishi@yahoo.com>; Maurus Chino <mauruschino@yahoo.com>; Mazatzin AZTEKAYOLOKALLI <zemazatzin@hotmail.com>; MEChA Unm <mechaunm@yahoo.com>; Mike Butler <galluppeace@yahoo.com>; Network Aztlan News <NetworkAztlan_News@yahoogroups.com>; PatriciaSan Jose Juarez <pjuarezg@yahoo.com>; Peter S. Lopez <peter.lopez51@yahoo.com>; Renee Wolters <rrwolters@aol.com>; Roberto Rodriguez <RR2001RR@aol.com>; Rolando J.Garcia <rjesusgarcia@gmail.com>; Rosina Roibal <rosina6@yahoo.com>; Ruth Millan <rutholivarmillan@sbcglobal.net>; StanfordLaborAction <StanfordLaboraction@gmail.com>; StopTheWarMachine <swm-d@swcp.com>; Teresa Marquez <andaluz@unm.edu>; "tlacayaotzin@aol.com" <tlacayaotzin@aol.com>; tochtli Califas <tochtli@berkeley.edu>; Todd Mireles <mirelese@msu.edu>; Tony Herrera <therrera1550@yahoo.com>; Tupac Enrique Acosta <chantlaca@tonatierra.org>; "Vanessa Maracaibo, Venz Di Domenico" <van3hijos@yahoo.com>; Viola Wilkins <violawil@bigpond.net.au>; Virginia Hampton <vhampton@cnm.edu>; Yafahrai Chapman <ascentialkeyz4@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 8:44:42 AM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] Fwd: NATIVO FREED
From: Mexican American Political Association <newsletter@mapa- ca.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 9:26 PM
To: aztatlxikano@ gmail.com
You are receiving this email from Mexican American Political Association because you purchased a product/service or subscribed on our website. To ensure that you continue to receive emails from us, add newsletter@mapa- ca.org to your address book today. If you haven't done so already, click to confirm your interest in receiving email campaigns from us. You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. |
March 29, 2010 Greetings!
After being incarcerated for fours days in the Los Angeles County Jail, Nativo Lopez was finally liberated on Monday, March 29th, in the afternoon. He had earlier appeared in the Los Angeles Superior Court in front of Judge Kristi Lousteau who apologized profusely for the "mix-up" of being held unlawfully in the county jail against his will. She indicated that there did not exist any order for the continued detention, and acknowledged that Nativo had an O.R. (non-monetary bond to remain free during the course of the legal proceedings) release that she had not ordered revoked. DAYS IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT |
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