Legendary East L.A. teacher Jaime Escalante battles cancer
The news about Escalante, 79, was posted on the Web page of actor Edward James Olmos, who portrayed the educator in the critically acclaimed 1988 movie.
Olmos said Escalante was in serious condition and that his family had run out of money to pay the medical bills.
"The treatment he needs has depleted all the funds his family can raise," Olmos said in the announcement on his website. The family "did not want to ask for help, but we took it upon ourselves to get the word out to all the country and around the world, to make his final days as comfortable as possible -- and maybe even give him a chance to beat the cancer that has afflicted him."
Olmos could not be reached Monday night for comment.
Escalante was born in La Paz, Bolivia. His father and mother were both teachers.
He arrived in Los Angeles in the early 1960s and later landed the job at Garfield High in East Los Angeles. He was able to transform the school's calculus program into one of the top public school programs in the country.
In 1999, Escalante returned to Bolivia to teach math. "I wanted to do something for my country, like I did something in East L.A. for the barrio," he told The Times in a 1999 interview in Bolivia.-- Robert J. Lopez
Photo: Jaime Escalante in the classroom in the early 1990s. Credit: Los Angeles Times
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~Peta-de-Aztlan~ Sacramento, California, Amerika
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy ~ Assassinated November 22, 1963
From: Zero1:News_Action_Art_Social <aztlannet@yahoo.com>
To: *NetworkAztlan_News <networkaztlan_news@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: *NetworkAztlan_Action <networkaztlan_action@yahoogroups.com>; *NetworkAztlan_Arte <networkaztlan_arte@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 11:37:09 AM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] James Olmos Regarding Jaime Escalante
This Is A Special Appeal From Edward James Olmos Regarding Jaime Escalante
Anyone who has seen "Stand and Deliver" knows how much Jaime Escalante (Kimo) has done for this country. The love and dedication he gave to his inner city students, and his unfailing conviction that every one of them was "gifted,"brought out talent that had been untapped - and unseen - by other teachers.
The genius that he awakened in the "unteachable" commanded the attention of the entire world. It caused countless educators to reconsider what their students might really be capable of if, like Kimo, they could awaken the "ganas" (desire) in them.
Jaime didn't just teach math. Like all great teachers, he changed lives. Gang members became aerospace engineers. Kids who had spent their youth convinced their lives didn't matter discovered they were leaders.
Now, Kimo needs our help. He is seriously ill, and the treatment he needs has depleted all the funds his family can raise. They did not want to ask for help, but we took it upon ourselves to get the word out to all the country and around the world, to make his final days as comfortable as possible - and maybe even give him a chance to beat the cancer that has afflicted him.
I have been moved to tears to hear of the circumstances of this great man and am calling for a last National Understanding of his selfless contributions to "making a difference in this world."
Together, we have a chance to make a real difference in his life. I could not bear to think that we would do any less for one who has given so much for so long.
You have my deepest appreciation for any and all prayers and help that you can give.
Edward James Olmos
How to help
Send a check payable to:
"Friends of Jaime"
c/o FASE
236 West Mountain Street, Suite 105
Pasadena, CA 91103
To pay by credit card:
Click here to download a donation form.
For questions call: 626-793-5300
Suesan Walker, email - swalker@fasenet. org
or via fax 626-577-2677
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