Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Network-Aztlan: The Neo-Latino


The Neo-Latino

In the early 1990's the U.S. Census Bureau projected the Hispanic-origin population would be the largest growing group. These projections also revealed that by the year 2000, the Hispanic-origin population might increase to 31 million (The official 2000 Census count was 35.3 million/12.5% of U.S. population), to double its 1990 (22.4 million) size by 2015 (that would be 44.8 million), and quadruple its 1990 size by the middle of the next century (89.6 million). In fact, the Hispanic-origin population would contribute 32 percent of the Nation's population growth from 1990 to 2000, 39 percent from 2000 to 2010, 45 percent from 2010 to 2030, and 60 percent from 2030 to 2050. Today this group is the largest minority group in the United States.

Latinos are becoming a social, political and economic force to be reckoned with. My question to readers is - What kind of "Latino" will emerge? Will the next generation have its own identity distinct from the current mindset? My hope is that this community will be transformed into a new type of Latino; the Neo-Latino of the 21st century:

1. Latinos who remember who they are, where they come from, and most assuredly, know where they are going.
2. A Latino who remembers the sacrifice of their parents, and is willing to the same for their own family and others.
3. A Latino who is well educated and affluent but not spoiled.
4. A Latino who is influential in their local community but not conceited.
5. A Latino who understands that the flame of liberty is fragile, and in danger of being extinguished by an obese and unaccountable government.
6. A type of Latino who can lead the next generation with integrity and dignity.

In December 2009, the Hispanic Pew Research Center released a study with the following summary:

"Never before has a minority group made up so large a share of the nation's youth. A new national survey finds that Latinos ages 16 to 25 are satisfied with their lives and optimistic about their futures. They value education, hard work and career success. But they are more likely than other youths to drop out of school, live in poverty and become teen parents. They also have high levels of exposure to gangs. And when it comes to self-identity, most straddle two worlds." 

Statistics and research tell a story. These facts paint a picture of the dichotomy of the emerging generation. If you and I remain idle, can you foresee the state of our community by the year 2020? According to the Hispanic Pew Research Center the Latino will either become the business entrepreneurs and community leaders of tomorrow, a small percentage compared to the overall population; or will this emerging generation reflect an undereducated class, impoverished intellectually, socially and financially, and perhaps confined to a prison cell as a result of their involvement with gang related activities? We cannot afford to squander the next generation's promise; it is up to you and I to intervene and redirect their path. The clarion call to action is now; we cannot afford to wait. But how will we reach them? Latino Townhall purposes three objectives.

One of the reasons schools fail to meet the needs of students today is the lack of illumination in education. You can't separate intellect from faith and expect great academic results. The two actually go together (Read: Luke 2:52, Acts 4:13). Stephen R. Covey's best seller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People lists The Four Dimensions of Renewal, which include giving attention to one's physical, social and emotional, spiritual, and mental nature (Italics mine). Therefore, the whole person's nature must be addressed in education. If public schools remain tentative about spirituality in the classroom, then it's time to start our own private schools for Latinos that will address each component.

Second, a concerted effort from community leaders, clergy and others, within and outside the Latino community, to mentor student's with time tested values that shape a sustainable character that can overcome temptation in private, and maintain one's integrity in the public square.

Third, to provide learning opportunities by exposing students to after school and summer apprenticeship programs where they can experience various workplace environments for the purpose of assessing whether a student's gifts, talents, and passions align with their current career choice. A proactive, hands-on approach to learning will be key in the future when developing the next generation of Latinos.

What will your role be in shaping the next generation of Latinos? From previous experience, people generally fall into three categories: (1) People become passive participants, who think "others" will do the job; (2) People become engaged but only with minimal commitment; or (3) People become passionately committed to make a difference long term. Latino Townhall recommends the latter. Where do you see yourself fitting in?

For more information on how you can get involved with mentoring the next generation email or call us.

Joel Garcia

President & Founder
Latino Townhall

Latino Townhall exists to empower Latinos to transform the 7 Communities of Culture through education, leadership development and civic engagement. The 7 Communities of Culture are: Arts & Entertainment, Business, Education, the Faith Community, the Family, Government & Law, and the Media. These communities are crucial for influencing and shaping culture.

Community focus in this article: Education and the Family

Population Profile of the United States. U.S. Census Bureau. http://www.census.gov/population/www/pop-profile/natproj.html, Accessed March 15, 2010.
U.S. Census Bureau, Table 1. United States - Race and Hispanic Origin: 1790 to 1990; Accessed March 23, 2010.

Between Two Worlds: How Latino Youth Become of Age in America. Hispanic Pew Research Center (12.11.09) Link: http://pewhispanic.org/reports/report.php?ReportID=117, accessed on March 12, 2010.

Our Branding is Complete

It is our pleasure to disclose to our members, friends and the public at large our new logo design. 


Latino Townhall exists to empower the 21st century Latino to transform the 7 Communities of Culture through the vehicles of education, leadership development and civic engagement. The 7 Communities of Culture include the Arts and Entertainment industry, the Business community, Education, the Faith Community, the Family unit, Government and Law and the Media.

These seven communities are reflected in the seven stars and the number "7" in the letter "T". 

Our Purpose Restated

Latino Townhall exists to develop leaders who can lead change and transform the four levels of culture; self (personal reinvention), the family, the workplace and culture itself.

Latinos are having a tremendous impact upon culture but our "numbers" alone won't suffice for the transformation of culture. The vehicles for cultural transformation are the 7 Communities of Culture. Therefore, we must educate and empower Latinos who will write the music that moves the masses, create innovative enterprises, lead reformation in education, preserve and enhance the family structure, run for local, state and national office, and own use media to educative, motivate and empower our community to bring about positive changes in the culture at large.

Join Our Social Network

I invite you to become a member of our social "community". Simply click on our 
community tab and register. You can also link it to your Facebook account.

Life Coaching for Teens - Class Update

Our first class is a huge success:

We are almost complete with our first Life Coaching for Teens class. It has been a wonderful experience teaching and coaching around 40 Latino youth about life and leadership principles. 

Call us for details for our next Life Coaching for Teens class.

Need Your Support

We are approaching a few deadlines to file or complete some critical projects and need your financial support:

1. High School Life documentary that will be shown to High School students in the fall of 2010. This documentary exposes elements of the youth culture in schools and challenges students to change their culture.

2. A filing fee for our school we are starting the fall of 2010 is due June 6th. We are calling our school The School of Leadership and Transformation. A transitional prep-school for Latinos before entering College. This school equips students in principles of leadership and leading change.

You can donate on our website now. We appreciate your support.

Red Rock Youth Hike

On Saturday, March 6th we were fortunate to take over 30 youth on a "mentoring" hike to Red Rock Canyon.

If you enjoyed the information in this e-newsletter please forward this email to your list, thank you!
The Neo-Latino 

Our e -mail address is: latinotownhall@gmail.com

Copyright (C) 2010 by Latino Townhall All rights reserved.


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Comment: Take the above for what it is worth.
La Raza is a diverse multi-faceted people, many of us are bi-lingual and many are not,
we are all of it: Chicanos/Chicanas, Latinos/Latinas, Native Indigenous, Hispancis etc.
Let us remember our diversity and use it to our advantage, not endlessly wrangle over
what terms we should or should not use to describe ourselves. Use what is good for you
and what you are comfortable with as we evolve.

Let us come out of the shadows, let us let the the world know that we are HERE NOW
and we not invisible. We are among the most beautiful people on Mother Earth!

All Groups Members should check in at least once a week so we can know if you are
still alive, still on the Internet and maybe we can help with any survival issues you
are facing in these tough times.

Unidos Venceremos! United We Will Win!

~Peta-de-Aztlan~ Sacramento, California, Amerika
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com 

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy ~ Killed November 22, 1963

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Be for real! Love La Raza Cosmca! Venceremos!