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and where I have 168 Friends
All of us progressive Chicanos-Latinos and progressive in general need to
better learn how to use Social Media in order to have a greater impact on
the world via Internet Power. Jose Lara is doing a great job in this endeavor.
Open up a Facebook Account and a Twitter Account. Reach out to others
outside of your comfort zone online and raise consciousness wherever you are.
We must go far far beyond preaching to the choir, only communicating with
those who share our identities and belief-systems. Evolve into being increasingly
more integrated with others of different backgrounds and belief-systems.
Remember the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The U.S.A. has a bad habit
of breaking its treaties. Descendants of those who are indigenous to these lands
cannot possibly be illegal immigrants as their/our ancestors have been here for
many centuries, way before the creation of the United States.
White people in general, though some of them could be our best friends, tend to
be racist in general because they fear those whom they do not know, fail to integrate
with others of different cultural backgrounds and need to be educated the same
as we do. All of us have room for Spiritual Growth!
In a way, Chicanos are the mythical 'lost tribe'. We are not fully a part of Amerika
and we are not fully a part of Mexico. Somos Chicanos! Our situation here inside the
United States resembles that of the heroic Palestinian people, though there are some
key historical differences. Many of our own are also being alienated from our own
ancestral homelands.
Unidos Venceremos! United We Will Win!
~Peta-de-Aztlan~ Sacramento, California, Amerika
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy ~ Killed November 22, 1963
From: Jose Lara <>
Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 9:24:24 PM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_Action] VIDEO: Caravan LA --> AZ Social Justice Education V-blog #7
>>> Please Distribute Widely <<<
Check out video below of students, teachers and community activists explaining why they are traveling to Arizona to protest. This video was taken the night before the historic march that brought protesters from all over the country to Arizona to protest its racist and discriminatory laws that legalize racial profiling and bans ethnic studies.
Click Video Link Below:
Video features students from North Hollywood HS, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Northridge and Teachers from Garfield HS and Santee HS in LA,
Jose Lara Social Justice Educator UTLA Raza Education Committee Union del Barrio, Base Paulo Freire |
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Be for real! Love La Raza Cosmca! Venceremos!