Thursday, November 07, 2013

On Unity in the Network-Aztlan-News Group

On Unity in the Network-Aztlan-News Group
As a Monitor of this News Group I want all of our Members to stay together in a basic loving unity. This is News Group should be primarily about sharing relevant news related to La Raza Cosmica wherever we are in the Western Hemisphere.

Naturally, true to our name, we should be primarily concerned about relevant issues here now inside the United States, but all core social issues are interconnected in connected reality. We are not invisible!

I do not care if you are a Chicano, Mexican, Latino, Hispanic, Mexican-American or whatever else you want to identify yourself as. I am first and foremost a humane being of Mother Earth, then I identify myself as a Chicano de Aztlán. I am of an endangered species of life on what  seems like a doomed planet of hateful frightened people.

There are great imbalances on the Earth that threatens all of life for all of us, no matter what your personal orientation as a living being. Put more plainly, we are in deep shit!

This is a News Group, not a Gossip Column, not a platform for your pet peeves and certainly not an outlet for you to vent your personal character defects. I suggest we each keep a Personal Journal. We need to be in unity with each other based upon common principles, not divided at each others throats. There are strong historical and psychological reasons why we are so divided that we must understand and overcome. Know who you are and why you are here now! You do not have to have the last word, always be right or express an inflated ego.

I do not have the time to be a control-freak and monitor every little message that comes through here. I actually have a real life besides what I do here.

Por favor! Keep your posts here relevant to the group as a whole or communicate with specific members via personal Email. When I see gente attack each other here without merit it saddens my heart. Good Gente will not want to post if they have to go through a gauntlet of negative criticism from other Group Members just to share pinche news!

Stay focused on reporting the News and discussions related to the News or you could be banned from this group, period!
Just post news-related items relevant to the Group as a whole and, when applicable, the related Web Link on top. We are up against powerful foul forces, including the communication powers of the fascist corporate media. Concentration on the coordination of communications is key for us.

Network with others in real life around you and when you are online. If you are in a public library consider saving stuff in a memory stick and upload from there. Use your own imagination. Over the years I have gone through changes just to get online and post.

Sometimes we need to be offline when we do not have easy Internet connection in order to work on improving and upgrading our own personal lives. Come out of your corner of the world, get out of your comfort zone and communicate with clarity and humane compassion with others. Respect each other, especially when we disagree with them. Remember the power of self-criticism. And to flush the toilet!

Let me be clear. I do not want to see any more bullshit personal attack posts. Some stuff should be kept beneath the Group Level. Think as a Group, not an individualist.

Create a blog if need be, type up your article and share the link if you have a valid critical analysis of someone that can help us understand each other better. I did not ask to be a Monitor here but I take my role here seriously, the same as I do my other roles in life. I value my time and attention, as you should yours.

Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

Aztlan-Network-News Blog ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Connect Up! Network Aztlan Yahoo Group



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Be for real! Love La Raza Cosmca! Venceremos!