Monday, July 28, 2008

READ: McCain Admits Problem with Latinos - Still Spins

7-28-08 @11:04 AM ~ Venceremos Companeros y Companeras!

We should have the consciousness to take the time to include URL Links when we can in order to establish the veracity of a news post and just so we can check it out ourselves.

We need no gatekeepers in Aztlan!

Email threads tend to scatter and make posts practically illegible and are hard on this viejo's eyeballs. I just had a cataract operation on my left eye a couple of weeks ago, so I see a lot clearer now.

I Googled a Link to the original article in question and will repost:

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In the first place, some Latinos have problems with Latinos for many reasons and McCain is a part of the problem, while Obama is a part of the solution. Many of our problems as Latinos are ones that we can solve ourselves amongst us working together with love, compassion and deep understanding, not as rivals or enemies!

In all our endeavors we should energize our consciousness about the sacredness of our internal unity and not lightly label anyone amongst us, anyone who works with us or with others we know, as idiots, stir up old stale resentments and do the devil's work of being decisive. We do not want absolute agreement and need to continue the dialogue with true respect for the different opinions of others once we agree on the basics of our survival and common dreams.

I have long maintained that the problems with us 'machos' is that we cannot even make good menudo together because each one has to have it his own original way with his own flavors! We simply cannot make it without our mujeres!

We should give due credit to the G.I. Forum and any other civil rights minded organization that have survived the onslaughts by the forces of reaction upon innocent people asserting their humane rights over the years.

Related Links:

Now is the time for unity based upon our shared history, our collective survival interests and our future visions.

Clearly ol' McCain is a reactionary tool of the fascist regime now 'in power and secure' inside the White House. He has milked his time as a POW in Vietnam well, but he should also always bring the truth out that the U.S.A. should not have been involved in the Vietnam War in the first place and should of learned from the French Experience in Indochina.

Now we are bogged down in Iraq and Obama wants to switch the focus to Afghanistan!

These last two Presidential terms under the Bush Rogue Regime have been very depressing and devastating for millions of people of all stripes, colors and ethnicities with determined institutional moves to further install a true fascist-designed regime centralized in the executive branch of government.

I strongly support Obama for President as the best candidate running, not to rubber-stamp the corporate-funded Democratic Party. He spoke on CNN yesterday about the illegal immigration system in relation to the present broken down legal immigration system. Mexicanos who are so-called illegal alients or undocumented workers are not going to go to the back of any line when they are already here by the millions inside the continental United States. Plus,, let us never ever forget our own native indigenous roots! This is AZTLAN! OUR LAND!!!

The only solvent solution to the Mexican immigration issue it an all-out blanket amnesty for those Mexican immigrants who are already here, then they can be processed into the United States as citizens with due diligence of any who have horrid criminal backgrounds.

At the same time, Latino leadership should not narrowly focus on issues related to immigrant rights to the exclusion of humane rights in general for all peoples, especially Latinos. We need to build up the basic machinery essential for building a solid Movimiento composed of organizations, groups and individuals working together!

No other people will advocate and move us in the direction of true liberation but ourselves as Latinos. We cannot wait for a great Messiah or another Che for us to move now in the set direction of Latino liberation in conjunction with the global liberation of all repressed peoples. We need so much more than a lighter balls on the chains of poverty and oppression. We need to be a free, liberated people equal to all peoples upon Mother Earth!

Remember our basic survival needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education. How do we work together to meet our needs and ensure our future survival as a species, not as a mere nation, but as a species of life??? That is the key question. How do we survive? For the broad masses of people it is all about survival.

Meanwhile, we need to continue local community work on a one-on-one basis, work in harmony with other progressive organizations, have annual FREE Unity Conventions in different states of Aztlan and surely not call each other idiots. Remember: an active imagination moving forward is far more important than an inactive intelligence going in concentric circles!

Come Together and Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~ aka:Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan


--- On Mon, 7/28/08, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: RE: [NetworkAztlan_News] McCain Admits Problem with Latinos - Still Spins
Date: Monday, July 28, 2008, 9:14 AM

Compañero Eugenio:
Your statement on the American GI Forum is utterly false. In the American GI Forum, we do have a conservative and even some reactionary segments which support John McCain and George Bush, but the vast majority of us support Barak Obama. I and several other American GI Forum leaders moved heaven and earth to try to get Barak Obama to come to the National Convention, but it conflicted with his scheduled trip abroad and no amount of work on our part could bring him in. I worked hard with Brian Colón, our New Chairman of the Democratic Party, and our people in Washington, D.C. and Chicago to get him to include the American GI Forum National Convention in his schedule, and, obviously, he was not able to. We were trying to schedule him to speak before McCain, but we were not able to make it happen. Many of us in the GI Forum are working on the Obama campaign across the country, and we are working with other veterans groups, White and Black, to promote Barak Obama. The American GI Forum cannot take a position on supporting a particular partisan candidate as an organization, but there are many of us who as individuals are working on his campaign. I had been a strong supporter of John Edwards because of his strong stand on the poor, minorities and affirmative action, and I am glad to see that Barak Obama has now come down on the side of affirmative action and many of his positions are progressive, although some of his stated objectives are still a cause for concern.
Juan José Peña, State Commander
American GI Forum of New Mexico
Past President, Partido de la Raza Unida Nacional

------------ -- Original message ------------ --------- -
From: <
> Sorry Rosalio, that wasn't the case when McCain went before those idiots of the GI Forum. From what I read and saw on TV, he was greeted as a hero by those right-wing Chicanos. You forget there is a very conservative section of Chicanos that won't support Obama under any circumstances.
> Eugene Hernandez
> To:
beajanczak@msn. com
> From: rosalio_munoz@ sbcglobal. net
> Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 06:27:17 -0700
> Subject: [NetworkAztlan_ News] McCain Admits Problem with Latinos - Still Spins
> Compas
> This article below is important in that it emphasises the very low support overall McCain has with Latinos.
> Most articles say Obama has 66%, many say 2 to 1 advantage, but actually bringing out McCains low 23% the difference is very close to 3 to 1.
> There is spin here in a way emphasizing McCains inability to draw more from Latino Protestants saying that is his biggest problem
> Actually outside of Latino Republicans , 33% of Latino Non Catholics (the poll didn't use the term Protestant) in the poll supported McCain. This is where McCain may be more likely to pick up votes but his biggest proglems are elsewhere.
> Democrat Latinos support Obama 86-6 while Republicans support McCain 68-23. Families with income of 30-49,999 support Obama 77-16, Puerto Reicans 73-14, Less than High School 73-15, Catholics 71-17, Mexicans 70-21. Even Cubans support Obama in the poll 53-28.
> This means that in the key swing states where Latinos have big votes, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida, McCain has really big problems. Even in other states like Ohio, Virginia, maybe even McCains Arizona, the Latino vote could help lead to Obama wins.
> Class is really very key among Latinos, Education, Economy and Health Care are personal concerns of over 90%, the war in Iraq and Immigration are far bigger concerns among Latinos than others scoring over 70%.
> I think this indicates Obama has big potential among working people in general. The immigration question, though, has big impact as right wing extremism has hyped up anti Latino sentiment and racism against citizen and legal resident Latinos and others. RM.

The McCain-Latino disconnect
> By: David Paul Kuhn
> July 28, 2008 06:44 AM EST

> GOP strategist Bill McInturff has long emphasized that
> earning 40 percent of the Hispanic vote is critical
> for Republicans to win. Today, McInturff is John
> McCain's pollster, and by his metric McCain has a
> serious Latino problem.
> While he earned the support of about seven in ten
> Hispanics in his last Arizona Senate race, a Pew
> Hispanic Center poll released Thursday shows that just
> 23 percent of Latinos intend to vote for McCain in the
> presidential contest, barely half of the four in ten
> Latino voters who exit polls showed voted for
> President Bush in 2004.
> "You have to understand in a way that the Republican
> party is damaged among Hispanics," conceded Hessy
> Fernandez, McCain's spokesperson for Hispanic media.
> "But at the end of day, it's the contrast between Sen.
> McCain and Sen. Obama."
> McCain's problem looks to be most pronounced among
> Protestant Latinos, who had seemed to be the GOP's
> doorway into the Hispanic population. From 2000 to
> 2004, Protestant Latinos increased their share of the
> total Hispanic electorate from 25 percent to 32
> percent, in large part because of Bush's evangelical
> outreach and strategic microtargeting of the
> community. Even as turnout increased, support for Bush
> among the group rose from 44 percent in 2000 to 56
> percent in 2004.
> The Pew poll, however, shows that only a third of
> Protestant or Evangelical Hispanics intend to vote for
> McCain, while 59 percent support Obama — who also
> enjoys a 50-percentage- point lead among Catholic
> Latinos, long a solid bloc of the Democratic
> coalition.
> While McCain and Bush have similar views on most
> social issues, including abortion, McCain's candidacy
> may mark a return to an era of blue-blooded
> Republicans less vocal about their religious beliefs.
> Barack Obama, by contrast, speaks comfortably and
> frequently about his faith.
> The biggest reason for the shift, though, has been the
> heated debate over immigration reform that has
> alienated many Hispanic voters previously receptive to
> the GOP — and that nearly cost McCain, a co-sponsor of
> the bipartisan 2006 immigration reform bill that
> inflamed conservatives, his party's nomination.
> In the 2006 midterm election, exit polls showed Latino
> support for Democrats had increased by 16 percentage
> points from 2004, compared to a six-percentage- point
> increase among whites.
> See also
> McCain takes aim at Obama's character
> The Streisand interview
> Impact of Obama's grand voyage
> While McCain's support of the immigration bill — which
> was eventually voted down — appealed to many
> Hispanics, it infuriated some conservatives. McCain,
> his campaign then floundering, promised primary voters
> that he had "got the message," vowed to prioritize
> enforcement and even claimed he wouldn't have voted
> for his own bill it if was to have come up again.
> The shift in tone placated conservatives while
> infuriating many Hispanics.
> Luis Cortes, one of Time Magazine's 25 most
> influential evangelicals in America and twice an early
> Bush backer — in 2000, Bush visited Cortes at his
> North Philadelphia office to court his support —
> hasn't yet decided who to back this year.
> "I'm going to vote brown," Cortes said.
> "McCain's problem is the problem of his party
> demonizing Hispanic people," Cortes said. "His party
> demonized us. You can't switch off the immigration
> rhetoric and think it will work. In the context of the
> immigration issue, Hispanics define the enemy as the
> Republican Party and you don't erase that overnight.
> "Bush didn't have to overcome his party's position on
> immigration and I think that's the difference," said
> Cortes, who heads the Christian social service group
> Nueva Esperanza (New Hope).
> The Republican party stance on immigration may not be
> clear until the platform is completed, and Cortes said
> he may wait to read the platform before deciding
> whether or not to leave the GOP.
> "Do the border fence overnight, do it first, fine," he
> said. "Then get to work on immigration reform in the
> first year."
> Tony Fabrizio, who worked as Bob Dole's presidential
> campaign pollster in 1996, emphasized that no single
> measure of support is decisive. "McCain can make up
> the difference" he said, by increasing his support
> among whites,.
> Such compensation is made easier by continued low
> turnout among Hispanics, despite many organizations
> devoted to organizing the Latino electorate. In 2004
> there were 41.3 million Hispanics in the United States
> but only 16 million were eligible voters, and only 39
> percent of those eligible actually cast a ballot, as
> compared to 76 percent of whites and 65 percent of
> blacks.
> Hispanics, who made up eight percent of the electorate
> in 2004, have remained a white whale of American
> politics because of the group's many eligible but
> unregistered voters, and the many native-born children
> of illegal immigrants who will become eligible voters
> at 18. They are also clustered in several swing states
> — in 2004, 15 percent of Florida voters and as many as
> one-third of the voters in New Mexico were Hispanic.
> On Wednesday, the Obama campaign announced its first
> media buy of the general election on Hispanic radio in
> Florida, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. Obama has
> not yet purchased advertising on Hispanic television,
> while the McCain campaign has been up for months on
> both TV and radio.
> Those ads, though, have yet to move his numbers much.
> Both Gallup and Pew show his support to be fairly
> steady at and 10 percentage points less than Bush's in
> the summer of 2004.
> "You begin with the anti-immigrant legislation that
> came out of the House and jump started a level of
> activism in the Latino community that we had not seen
> ever," said Adam Segal, director of the Hispanic Voter
> Project at Johns Hopkins University "and you add to
> that the favorable political environment for Democrats
> in general," and it's hard, he said, to see McCain's
> numbers among Hispanics improving.
> "This cycle is extremely favorable to Obama and the
> Democrats," Segal, who then paused before emphasizing
> "extremely."
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