Saturday, October 25, 2008

Read: [NetworkAztlan_News] My Vote: Latinos for Peace.

10-25-2008 @11:34 PM ~

Gracias Hermano Bejarano ~ It is true that as a people Latinos have been pretty much below the radar screen in this Presidential Election process. In between marching and voting we still need to do the basic community education mobilization in order to make sure that we have more of a collective voice in human affairs involving our survival and future hopes, dreams and strategic goals. We will have to learn how to work better amongst ourselves as a diverse and cosmic people, link up with other people who are positive, progressive and productive and continue to do what we can in a spirit of love, respect and understanding.

These days I mainly concentrate on helping homeless people keep one roof over their heads with food in their stomach, do group and one-on-one crisis counseling, have a Ministry with recovering addicts, try to write a recovery-related article every now and then and strive to keep a balance in my life out in the community and here in my sanctuary. I met a beautiful lady a few months ago whom I plan to marry sometime next year. Time will tell and reveal more as time goes by.

It will all get better as time goes by so long as we keep learning, growing and experimenting. We need to be able to work with what we have and do the best that we can with available time, energy and resources. We must keep the faith in ourselves, faith in people yearning to be free and faith in our Creator God. Historically, Mexicanos, Chicanos, Latinos ~ La Raza Cosmica ~ have always been a people of faith, family and hope for the future..

Educate to Liberate!

Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta


Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

From: Bejarano <>
To: *NetworkAztlan_Action <>; *NetworkAztlan_Arte <>; *NetworkAztlan_News <>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 1:08:03 AM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] My Vote: Latinos for Peace.

Folks, Most of us have marched and most of us have voted. I often hear people saying, "who ever you vote, vote for the party that best represents your values. And, no one party seems to do that in everything. OK, maybe that is why some follow a different drummer. To vote! / Don't vote, the no's have us to believe that we are voiceless and valueless in the political process and in that process our "Raza" people are vainly pursuing nothing that leads to victory all together—Hum, So Sad. I heard a good slogan from a friend today, "Today We Vote and Tomorrow We March". I think this thinking can leads to Real Victory In Pursuing Our Plan for Unity & Peace. And importantly, I do think, how do we lead Raza to a more broader viewpoint into a larger democratic force? How do we lead Latinos and other forces for peace and justice? When to "march together" for a better social, political and economic system? And, what are RAZA' core values and representations of work, which can move us forward? People "ranks" are counted as saying Yes—To Vote!!! SO VOTE, VOTE AGAIN AND AGAIN so that we can MARCH to Victory. On-line the message must be clear or real. Latinos for Peace.

Monitor: Peter S. Lopez "Peta":
List owner: Guillermo Bejarano:

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