Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rosalio> Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] More On Chomsky on The Election, Economy, War and Peace-A MUST FOR LATINO MEDIA

11-27-2008 @12:30 AM ~
"... What is different, new and developing is most important in assessing strategy and tactics. Rosalio"

The ultimate aim of strategy in a war zone is the seizure of power and tactics are the means to that end ultimate overarching strategic goal. Hell, as La Raza Cosmica we cannot even coagulate a general term to call ourselves as a people in all our diversity! The term 'Latinos' in general seems to be the most inclusive ~ thought we must claim, feel and know our own indigenous native roots.

I have an old precious friend who is an old member of CP-USA, she is a red-diaper baby, who taught me stuff as I was growing up, but she could not even admit to the fascist essence of our common foe. Recall: the anatomy of power involves vanguard leadership in the form of unique personalities, the machinery of an organizational party apparatus and capital which can have many forms and manifestations (not strictly money).

In relation to Latinos we need to come together and form a united Latino Liberation Front in unity with other popular progressive movements. As a unique people we can never achieve total liberation without the support of the masses in their beautiful billions, including the democratic socialist forces of the Third World, especially Latin America.

Inside fascist Amerika there is no and I doubt there ever will be one leading vanguard party. When revolution fails it is the fault of the vanguard elements, never the unorganized and uneducated masses. We mobilize the masses around their basic survival needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and basic liberating education.

I was for Obama as the default candidate most likely to win with the most progressive agenda only among those running. I knew we would also have to eventually criticize and correct Obama too. If you have not yet, read The Audacity of Hope by Obama. So far Chomsky has come out with the best off the top analysis of the Presidential Elections.


Obama is pro-capitalist and identifies himself primarily as an American, not necessarily an African-American and certainly not primarily as a Black man. He is one shrewd dude and was grossly underestimated by many on both the left and the right wings.

In all this we should keep in mind that the eagle needs both wings to fly high above it all. The essence of basic truth is in the center and we need to philosophically evolve beyond old European-originated notions of left-right (actually a form of schizophrenia in relation to the cognition of connected reality).

Recall: many Latinos, including Chicanos/Mexicanos, harbor racist-anti-Black sentiments and that was an element that Hillary Clinton was factoring into her campaign, along with ol' McCain. Many Chicanos/Mexicanos still have the nostalgia for the Kennedy Family and link that all up in their psyche with the Clinton Matrix.

From Chomsky on Democracy Now! ~

"... The two Democratic candidates were an African-American and a woman. Both remarkable achievements. We go back say 40 years, it would have been unthinkable. So something's happened to the country in 40 years. And what's happened to the country- which is we're not supposed to mention- is that there was extensive and very constructive activism in the 1960s, which had an aftermath. So the feminist movement, mostly developed in the 70s-–the solidarity movements of the 80's and on till today. And the activism did civilize the country. The country's a lot more civilized than it was 40 years ago and the historic achievements illustrate it. That's also a lesson for what's next..."

Now Obama is centering in on Afghanistan in relation to foreign policy and the on-going war in the far Middle East. This is another blind alley. Another mass distraction from the urgent survival needs of the masses inside the United States. We should still think global (if not cosmic) and work local in our own native communities.

We as Latino people need to look in our own backyards, see the connections and the vital interconnections between our life conditions and that of all oppressed-repressed peoples, not strictly focus on the immigrant rights issue to the exclusion of other more pertinent survival matters. We're hungry!

Obama has not comprehensive immigration reform policy because he does not really want to calculate the legal, historical and international ramifications of the whole immigrant issues of millions of undocumented so-called 'illegal immigrants' inside the United States.

We all need to stick to the basic clarion call of basic amnesty for so-called illegal immigrants with appropriate criminal background checks being done as much as possible. So many of us just fall through the cracks and fly below the radar screen.

Today is Thanksgiving Day! I know the hypocrisy of the origins of it all and it gets stale going over the same historical facts every year around this time about the racist origins of the whole Thanksgiving Holiday and native indigenous peoples, though the true historical light should be shined upon Thanksgiving Day.

Life goes on... I plan to go over my Padre's for dinner with my gal and chances are we will play Mexican dominoes. For years him and I clashed over politics, war and religion. The whole Vietnam War divided us for starters and I was involved in the early Chicano Moratorium movidas. I guess we are both maturing in our own ways and mellowing out about it all. I am still the same ol' shit. Some days the shit is loose and some days it is tight. The struggle goes onward!!! Venceremos!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Every Day!!!

Educate to Liberate!

Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta
Humane-Liberation-Party de Sacra


Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

From: Rosalio Munoz <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 8:13:47 AM
Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] More On Chomsky on The Election, Economy, War and Peace-A MUST FOR LATINO MEDIA

Some people may think I am a dogmatist but Marx remarked that class struggles can end up in the common ruin of the contending classes, like nuclear holocaust, global warming. Cuba, Vietnam, and yes China show that imperialism can be set back quite a bit despite the global world economy being basically capitalist. Much of Latin American is also showing this, and, why not?, the US election revealing greater possibilities.

Check out the CPUSA analyses of the election, we see the beginnings of a qualitative change in the correlation of forces and direction of the politics in the US developing with the elections. The extreme militarism of the neocons was defeated decisively, US imperialism for many reasons including the elections has been dealt a blow. New strategies and tactics are called for, it is not the same old same old, change is a constant concretely.

Guess what? Barak Obama is niether a Muslim or a Socialist. Lincoln was not an abolitionist, Karl Marx and others, understanding the individual is part of the general, took note of the key role, personality, and potentials of Lincoln to argue from the concretes of the Civil War struggles that emancipation was a path to democratic victory. What is different, new and developing is most important in assessing strategy and tactics. Rosalio

From: Peter S. Lopez <peter.lopez51@>
To: NetworkAztlan_ News@yahoogroups .com; *NetworkAztlan_ Arte Yahoo Group <NetworkAztlan_ Arte@yahoogroups .com>; 3rd-World-Earth- News Yahoo-Group <THIRD-WORLD- EARTH-NEWS@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 5:54:33 AM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_ News] More On Chomsky on The Election, Economy, War and Peace-A MUST FOR LATINO MEDIA

Basically Chomsky was correct in his analyzes, though vanguard leadership needs to be consistent and advocate a form of democratic socialism without being paranoid about red-baiting. We need an on-going united front that is based upon a collection of vanguard elements, independent parties and mass popular movements aimed at toppling the U.S. Empire by any means mandatory. The essence of dialectical materialism is 'concrete analyses of concrete conditions', not wishful thinking.

It is the same ol' shit we are dealing with and nothing has fundamentally changed in relation to the economics of the general situation in the nation. None of us are puritans. There is valid criticism to be lodged towards all contenders. The ideal is to learn from our mistakes.

Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta
Humane-Liberation- Party de Sacra
Email: peter.lopez51@
Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

From: javier rodriguez <bajolamiradejavier@>
To: networkaztlan_ action@yahoogrou; networkaztlan_ news@yahoogroups .com; nair_cc@googlegroup; NetworkAztlan_ Action@yahoogrou
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 10:55:27 PM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_ News] To Rosalio-Chomsky on The Election, Economy, War and Peace-A MUST FOR LATINO MEDIA

Hermano, why are you getting so emotional. It takes away your objectivity and you are a longtime journalist.. All brother Chomsky is saying is that Obama has limitations. That he is surrounding himself with the same political class and experts who have taken us to the brink of economic and political chaos. Those who serve the ruling class. He is defining participatory democracy and highlights the differences between this social and political accomplishment inside the empire and Bolivia's underclass coming to power. Based primarily on issues, not form. Additionally he defines the limits of the social politization of the electorate in the US. Its inability to have a global comprehensive political vision and how the media strategists, the campaign managers know this and are able to keep the issues, the slogans on a superficial level.
This is something that Fidel has talked about for decades. Their educational system is based on dialectical and historical materialism. The building blocks of societal knowledge and political science which point to Capitalism and the empire as the source of global inequality, of injustice, racism, hunger, wars of aggression and occupation and the impoverishment of billions in the planet. Take for example the Cuban White Guerrillas, the doctors and the teachers, who by the tens of thousands are working abroad, under the principle of solidarity and are in solidarity brigades in missions to serve and to build, giving knowledge, education and medical aid in dozens of countries in the third world. And they live and work in the neighborhoods of the people they serve. In his last column of Reflexiones Fidel analyzes the recent elections in Venezuela and in a tangent he mentions "there are 40,000 Cubans in Venezuela who will give their lives for the Bolivarian revolution. Recal Che's mission in Bolivia nd the tens of thousands of internationalists who forght in Angola and defeated the South African Apartheid forces supported by the US. The same in Ethiopia and several other African countries. There is no need to elaborate what the US forces did in Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos, Korea, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc. etc. The point of this is that when you observe and listen to Barack Obama, he exhibits a lot of ignorance and a mindset of liberal imperial arrogance. There are several examples. His view on the Middle East, Palestine, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. It's obvious which side he is on. He talks about nations misbehaving. I would say that Obama has not turned to Chomsky, Zinn, Cornel West, Naomi Klein as economic advisors, nor Amy Goodman as head of communications for the White House, nor to any of the Communist Party leaders..
Chomsky ends by noting that there is a social movement and how important it is for that movement to continue the process of action and push for and create change.
I believe that on the issue of immigration reform Obama has a wider and broader understanding than Bush or McCain but even there you see the limits. He may/will issue an executive order to stop raids and the separation of families and he is for a comprehensive reform but when you look closely, you see the Grand Bargain model coming to the fore. He is for a legalization, a path to citizenship, but they got get in back of the line.
My thinking is that we have to influence the mass electorate movement, the voters, participate in it and move it forward. We have to take advantage of key moments, aside from the mass work, when we have the politicians who are influential and directly let them know how we think and feel on issues. At the National Latino Congreso I diplomatically confronted Cong. Xavier Becerra on the role of Latino leadership and their views on immigration and he clearly stated he, they were in disagreement with us the activist leaders. Our position and message to him should have been collective, understanding he has the ear of the Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We missed it. The same thing happened in Denver during the DNC and the immigrant rights march. Federico Pena marched with us but the speakers, even from Califas, trained in the March 25 Coalition, did not give analysis nor political direction.
So after the tangent, as leaders, we have to push and pressure hard and show leadership, tenacity, creativity and build. Think and dream the impossible. That's how March 25 and MAY 1ST were realized.
--- On Tue, 11/25/08, Rosalio Munoz <rosalio_munoz@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:
From: Rosalio Munoz <rosalio_munoz@ sbcglobal. net>
Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_ Action] Chomsky on The Election, Economy, War and Peace-A MUST FOR LATINO MEDIA
To: networkaztlan_ action@yahoogrou, networkaztlan_ news@yahoogroups .com, nair_cc@googlegroup, NetworkAztlan_ Action@yahoogrou
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 9:02 PM

Its obvious this guy lives in an ivory tower and not caught up in the daily struggles of paying rent or a mortgage, creditor harassment. Probably has no relatives in fear of deportation or malnutrition. He felt little stake in the election, wasn't fighting for some bit of democracy.

As if the media wasn't tilted far to the right, the lies, provocations, voter intimidations, disinformation, sanctimonious pastors preaching anti life.

What does he think of the people in the photo of last Saturdays "coffee" with congressmen Becerra concerned about eviction, foreclosure, visas, civil sanity, having worried, campaigned, voted, celebrated looking forward with some hope, willing to struggle for something that can be won, and then more. Rosalio

--- On Tue, 11/25/08, javier rodriguez <bajolamiradejavier@> wrote:

> From: javier rodriguez <bajolamiradejavier@>
> Subject: [NetworkAztlan_ Action] Chomsky on The Election, Economy, War and Peace-A MUST FOR LATINO MEDIA
> To: networkaztlan_ action@yahoogrou, networkaztlan_ news@yahoogroups .com, nair_cc@googlegroup
> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 6:33 PM
> The Election, Economy, War, and Peace
> November 25, 2008 By Noam Chomsky
> *What would be the content of the "Obama brand"
> if the public were to become "participants" rather
> than mere "spectators in action"? It is an
> experiment well worth undertaking, and there is good reason
> to suppose that the results might point the way to a saner
> and more decent world... ~ CUT HERE
> These observations suggest an interesting thought
> experiment. What would be the content of the "Obama
> brand" if the public were to become
> "participants" rather than mere "spectators
> in action"? It is an experiment well worth undertaking,
> and there is good reason to suppose that the results might
> point the way to a saner and more decent world.

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