Saturday, January 24, 2009

In Brief 1/22/09:Latin America and the Caribbean, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay
In Brief 1/22/09:Latin America and the Caribbean, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay

The World Bank estimated 2009 growth for Latin America and the Caribbean to slow to between 2 percent and 2.5 percent, after expanding 4.4 percent last year. Juan José Daboub, the World Bank´s managing director said governments must strengthen their anti-poverty programs to stave off the effects of the crisis.

Bolivia lowered its illiteracy rate from 15 percent to 4 percent since March 2006 using the Cuban literacy program Yo Sí Puedo, or "Yes I Can," reaching some 800,000 Bolivians over the age of 15 to read and write.

The Indigenous Missionary Council, part of the Catholic Church in Brazil, reported 34 indigenous Brazilians committed suicide and 40 were killed in 2008 in the southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul state, where they lived confined on small patches of land because of a land shortage. The organization added that 54 indigenous Brazilians were killed around the country last year over land conflicts or defending their rights.

Two rebels from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, deserted the armed group on Jan. 13 handing over to authorities two hostages: Leonardo Pardo, 31 and Álvaro Martínez, 14, whom the FARC had asked for a US$2.7 million-ransom. The rebels made use of a program President Álvaro Uribe launched last December that offers FARC guerrillas cash rewards and freedom if they desert the rebel ranks with hostages.

An indigenous child died and three others were hospitalized in Paraguay for intoxication with farming chemicals in the Guarani community of Ka´aguy Poty, in the Canindeyu department.. The children, aged 4 to 10 years, had bathed in a stream near a Brazilian-owned soy plantation.

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta
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