Saturday, January 10, 2009

Re:GAZA: The Madness Must Stop!

1-10-2009 ~ Sabado @1:37 AM ~ Full Moon Today!
Let us support the Palestinian people and do what we can from where we are at in order to get to the root of the whole global problem that resonates from Amerikan Empire: Fascism on the domestic level, Amerikan Imperialism on the international level and supported by Amerikan corporate capitalism in the global market place.

Total warfare, including spiritual warfare, is waged from all lines, all angles and from all trajectories by any means mandatory!!!

At the same time, let us be careful to make keen distinctions between governments and regular leadership and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people who are indigenous to their own lands. We are all indigenous native peoples!

Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta
Sacramento, Califas, Aztlan


Key Link:

{Edited Below}


From: Sergio Hernandez <>


Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:04:33 AM

Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_Action] Re: [NetworkAztlan_Arte] Fwd: GAZA... Let the whole world know ! horrible pictures!


Well said!....... ..Serg

On Jan 9, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Bejarano wrote:


> *From Hell, let's boycott MADNESS!


> We should boycott to withdraw from the madness and refuse to cooperate with Israelites' Zionist and Palestinians' Hamas. I feel they will not stop in their opposition to each other, I say, let them go to their destruction.


> The UN can not save them. "Israel and Hamas ignore UN call for cease-fire." We all know their historical misfortunes, and from their faith comes too much terror, fear, despair and casualty of their battles. I feel that we can not bring to them their punishment or protection "arms" that surely would fail and return to us even more disasters. I think of the innocent victims, the poor, oppressed and disenfranchised people that must be helped, to protest a liberation for peace in the Middle East.


> The beast "world capitalism" in its anger and hate that is bent toward more wars, greater expansion of state/private property and profits; willing in torturing people, killing children by the thousands, It's MADNESS.


> We should boycott all nations who provide the machinery of death and destruction and have no part in its' ways. The MADNESS Must Stop!


> G01B


> --- On Fri, 1/9/09, Ron Gochez <mexicanoatucla@> wrote:


From: Ron Gochez <mexicanoatucla@>

Subject: [NetworkAztlan_ Action] Re: [NetworkAztlan_ Arte] Fwd: GAZA... Let the whole world know ! horrible pictures!


To: NetworkAztlan_ Arte@yahoogroups

Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 3:04 PM


Of course

Hamas fighters are going to be fighting among children; they

ALL live in a TINY little piece of land called Gaza. FYI,

the Gaza strip is tiny (about the same length as the

distance from Anaheim to Glendale) and totally surrounded by

Israeli terrorists (aka IDF); so where is Hamas (or any

other freedom fighters) supposed to fight from??


The Palestinian freedom fighters have every right to use

any and all forms of struggle (including violence) against

the terrorist state of Israel because brutal force is what

Israel has used against them from the very initial existance

of the state of Israel (please research Irgun, Stern gang).

If Africans and the Indigenous people's had bombs 500+

years ago, would you blame them for using them against the

terrorists who came here on boats from Europe? Would you

call Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Nat Turner, Crazy Horse,

Harriet Tubman, Manuelito and other African/Native leaders

"terrorists" because they showed young Indigenous/African
children how to fight against the the occupier/invader?


Israel is in no moral position to call the Palestinians

terrorists; and neither are we. Hell, we are the ones that

are financing the terrorism (our tax $$$) and most of us are

doing NOTHING about it! So we are in no position to point



As Raza, WE ourselves have been occupied (like Gaza is

today) since 1492 and then again in 1848. We should be

totally in support of the brave people of Palestine. They

are doing what most Hispanics today would NEVER do; fight

for their land, dignity and freedom.


War itself is not the problem. Reactionary war is the

problem. There is a HUGE difference between the two.

Revolutionary war and war for freedom is and should always

will be absolutley justified. Oppressed peoples have every

right to free themselves.. .by any means neccessary.


Viva Palestina libre!

Ron Gochez

Social Justice Educator/Community Organizer


-----Original Message-----

From: Sergio Hernandez <chiliverde@ earthlin

To: NetworkAztlan_ Arte@yahoogroups .com

Sent: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 1:54 pm

Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_ Arte] Fwd: GAZA.... Let the

whole world know ! horrible pictures!


I'm with you Armando....Carlos sent me some terrible

pictures of death and destruction by the Israeli forces on

the Palestinians. ...then I get a bunch of pictures of Hamas

fighters fighting among children and children being

indoctrinated by Hamas to continue the terror...where does

this madness stop?......I don't think it never will and

it will eventually lead to the destruction of both........

.. possibly the world STOP WAR!......... ....Serg


On Jan 9, 2009, at 12:39 PM, armando baeza



Better than that , BOYCOTT WAR.


Children live (die) in every country.




On Jan 9, 2009, at 9:47 AM, armando@artegana s.

com wrote:


It is high time to boycott Israel, it's products

and services. Someone please provide a list of Israel companies doing business in

the U.S.


DO not buy products produced in Israel!


Thank you.


Quoting Carlos Callejo <


--- On Tue, 1/6/09, Trgunn1@ <Trgunn1@ aol.

  com wrote:


From: Trgunn1@ <Trgunn1@


   Subject: Fwd: GAZA... Let the whole world know !

  horrible pictures!


To: ccallejo@ yahoo.  com,


  Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:35 PM


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