Friday, March 06, 2009

About Barriozona



General inquiries

PO Box 50553,
Mesa, AZ 85208-0028
Bilingual Community Expression
Published by the Hispanic Institute of Social Issues
Barriozona is published by the Hispanic Institute of Social
Issues and began as a print publication in December 2002. In
the Spring of 2006, Barriozona debuted as an E-zine or on-line
magazine to reach a wider audience. Barriozona is primarily
focused on presenting information about the different struggles
faced by members of the generally called Latino/Hispanic
community in the United States.

Recognizing that many people are marginalized from society
and lack the means of being heard, Barriozona emphasizes on
publishing stories that in many cases are largerly ignored
-voluntarily or involuntarily- by the so called mainstream or
corporate media. Barriozona does not pretend to be the voice
of the people or speak for the people. We strongly believe that
every human being has his or her own unique and powerful
voice, their own points of view, as well as and his or her own
way and ability to express their feelings and opinions.
Barriozona doesn't give a voice, rather presents the voices of
men and women who are not in any way "voiceless" but unable
to be heard for or are ignored for many social, political or other

Over the years Barriozona has been published, it has fulfilled
this living and ongoing mission. Today, our vision is evolving
and expanding, as we document our contemporary struggle.

"History is about to change"

Eduardo Barraza
Barriozona Editor
AA arizona arizona articles Arizona EUA arizona e-zines spanish Arizona libros espanol Arizona libros español Arizona literatura arizona newspapers magazines directory Arizona periódicos español arizona revistas español Arizona spanish books Arizona USA asuntos sociales author Autor autores barrio revista barrio zona barriosona barriozona barriozona barrio zona barriozona bilingual community expresión barriozona cesar ibarra barriozona christine marin historian barriozona eduardo barraza barriozona Elda garcía barriozona información barriozona information barriozona Irma Sofia Navarro Viloria barriozona jardiel palomec garcía barriozona magazine barriozona revista barriozona santos c. vega barriozona sara tellez durand photographer barriozona saúl cuevas barriozona slide-shows barriozona versión digital barriozona yolie hernandez bilingual bilingual magazines books spanish Arizona crónica cultura culture editores editoriales espanol Arizona editoriales espanol estados unidos eduardo barraza editor eduardo barraza hernandez ensayo escritores español Estados Unidos estados unidos revistas español e-zines spanish fotografa barriozona fotografia grassroots journalism hispanic hispanic institute social issues history history about change instituto hispano asuntos sociales language latino latinos leer libros libros espanol libros español libros hisi literatura literatura fronteriza literature magazine authors magazines spanish media spanish mesa arizona mexican-american writers mexico frontera mexico-us zona fronteriza narrativa páginas periodicals e-zines spanish periodismo en español periodismo hispano periodismo mexicano periodistas Phoenix Arizona revistas Phoenix Arizona spanish magazines photojournalism poesía publishing revista Revista bilingüe publicada Arizona revistas bilingües sitio web social issues social spanish publications spanish Spanish language magazine united states spanish magazines temas sociales us-mexico-border writer yolie hernandez zona barrio PO Box 50553 Mesa Arizona 85208-0028 Tel 480 - 983-1445


Education for Liberation! Join Up!
Peter S.. Lopez aka: Peta

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