Sunday, March 08, 2009

Educating Latinos:

The future of the United States depends to a large extent on the progress of the Latino community. This is not empty rhetoric, but rather a reality based on the demographic changes our country is experiencing. Understanding this has serious national implications, specially in the area of education.

New Census Bureau figures show that a quarter of all children in early childhood education in the United States are of Latino origin, which means that in a little over a decade —if this trend continues—they will be the new majority.

Today's children are tomorrow's workforce. With their effort and knowledge, they will create our country's wealth, and with their taxes, they will support the retirement of a large generation of retirees that keeps growing larger as people live longer.

Now the question is: Are we preparing today's students for the responsibilities of tomorrow?

The answer is no. Young Latinos are lagging farthest behind in the educactional achievement for a variety of reasons, ranging from the home to the school system, from a lack of English to the absence of resources to give them the tools they need and to motivate them to stay in school.

The comprehensive approach that ensures young people's development from preschool to adolescence is the path to follow. Unfortunately, that same path is the one suffering from the cuts in public education caused by the state economic crisis. In May, Californians will have the opportunity to vote on initiatives that change current school funding to address other budget priorities.

Meanwhile, nationally, the No Child Left Behind program has not fulfilled its purpose of helping minority students due to a lack of financial support. This is an urgent matter—yet another one—that must be addressed by the Obama administration.

In Los Angeles, we hope the recent election of two new members to the Los Angeles Unified School District Board will drive changes in the system. With them on board, there is majority support for the change promoted by Mayor Villaraigosa. It is time to start living up to expectations.

Education is a pillar of society that determines its future. In the United States, like it or not, the progress of Latinos is inseparable from our country's future. Now is the time to understand this.


Education for Liberation! Join Up!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

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