Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Latino foundation honors a granddaddy of philanthropy


Latino foundation honors a granddaddy of philanthropy

It's fitting that San Francisco's Latino Community Foundation should be honoring Herman Gallegos at its gala this week. The foundation is cultivating a new generation of Latino philanthropists. And Gallegos, who is 78, is really the abuelo of Latino philanthropy.

A pioneer who helped start a number of national and local Hispanic civil rights groups, Gallegos also was one of the first U.S. Latinos to serve on some heavy-weight corporate and foundation boards. Not only that, he wrote the book (literally) on Hispanics and the nonprofit sector (way back in 1991).

The foundation's gala evening con sabor Latino is as much about generating fun and buzz and a sense of community as it is about charitable giving. The Thursday event at the Westin St. Francis will feature Brazilian dancers, Mexican vintners and cuisine from Cuba and Puerto Rico.

But the group is serious about fundraising. It's attracting youthful Latinos to a "young professional giving circle." And it's making $250,000 in grants this year, the most ever. With three out of 10 Bay Area children Latino, the foundation has focused on the health and well-being of kids. Last year's grants went to: community health centers in Oakland and San Francisco: pre-school and afterschool programs in Berkeley, San Francisco, Morgan Hill and Novato; and parenting education projects in San Rafael, San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond and San Jose.

The foundation is still small. But Gallegos, who's been in on the ground floor of small and large organizations, is quick to point out that size isn't everything. As he told The Melting Pot: "If they can stimulate our community to give and volunteer, then it becomes part of the American fabric that gives this country strength."

Posted By: Tyche Hendricks (Email) | March 23 2009 at 04:03 PM

Listed Under: Latinos and politics

Comment: Bien hecho! Congratulations to the Latino Community Foundation. All White-Americans need to be thinking in cosmic terms and wrap their minds about the scientific face that America is a multi-cultural country, go beyond old black and white bi-polar thinking and comprehend the connected realities of connected reality. The only actual dominant race of people is the human race. We are a country of wide and vast diversity with many tongues and flavors. We should be open, positive and progressive in our relations with all peoples. Latinos are about a lot more than fast tacos and Mexican beer.

Education for Liberation! Join Up!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com




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