Monday, April 20, 2009

Border Action Network’s leaders from across the state gather to plan for upcoming year

Friday, April 17 2009 01:35
Border Action Network's leaders from across the state gather to plan for upcoming year

Tucson, AZ ---Across the country on Saturday, April 18th --"National Citizenship Day" is being celebrated through citizenship application assistance and voter registration drives. In Arizona, Border Action Network leaders from across the state are gathering to discuss how Arizonans can be part of the national effort to push for comprehensive immigration and border policy reform this year. The group is expecting about 100 of their leaders (Human Rights Committees, Human Rights Promoters, Board of Directors and members) from Tucson, Nogales, Douglas, Pirtleville, Sierra Vista, Prescott and Flagstaff to participate in this intensive annual planning meeting.  The following is a statement by Jennifer Allen, Border Action Network's Executive Director.

"This year, on National Citizenship Day, our leaders are gathering to discuss how we can help build momentum locally and nationally to reform immigration and border policies and work together to promote human rights in the United States." "With the state of the economy and urgency to address our failing health care system, we know that policy makers have their hands full. However, a pathway to citizenship and human rights in the U.S. is crucial to the needs and interests of the country, especially working Americans. If our government keeps people in the shadows, without rights or without a shot at the American Dream, it will depress wages and job prospects of all workers in the country. Immigration reform would enable immigrant families to move into the economic mainstream, which would help the entire country grow and thrive."

Border Action Network's Contact Information


Mailing address is:

P.O. Box 384

Tucson, AZ 85702


Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

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