Monday, April 20, 2009

To All Network Aztlan News Group Members ~ from Peta-de-Aztlan, Group Monitor

This is NOT news gentlemen:

Here are LINKS to recent REAL NEWS Articles for you to utilize your clicking powers:

Downward Path Illustrates Concern About Immigrants' Children


Arizona hosts border-violence talk: Officials seek federal support on issue


Hundreds march for immigration reform in Phoenix

This is a lexical definition of news:

Main Entry: news           Listen to the pronunciation of news
Pronunciation:\ˈnüz, ˈnyüz\
Function:noun plural but singular in construction
Usage: often attributive
Date:15th century
1 a: a report of recent events b: previously unknown information <I've got news for you> c: something having a specified influence or effect <the rain was good news for lawns and gardens — Garrison Keillor> <the virus was bad news>2 a: material reported in a newspaper or news periodical or on a newscast b: matter that is newsworthy3: newscast
news·less           Listen to the pronunciation of newsless \-ləs\ adjective

This is a lexical definition of action:
Main Entry:ac·tion           Listen to the pronunciation of action
Etymology:Middle English accioun, from Anglo-French accion, from Latin action-, actio, from agere to do — more at agent
Date:14th century
1: the initiating of a proceeding in a court of justice by which one demands or enforces one's right ; also : the proceeding itself2: the bringing about of an alteration by force or through a natural agency3: the manner or method of performing: a: an actor's or speaker's deportment or expression by means of attitude, voice, and gesture b: the style of movement of the feet and legs (as of a horse) c: a function of the body or one of its parts 4: an act of will5 a: a thing done : deed b: the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition cplural : behavior, conduct <unscrupulous actions> d: initiative, enterprise <a man of action>6 a (1): an engagement between troops or ships (2): combat in war <gallantry in action> b (1): an event or series of events forming a literary composition (2): the unfolding of the events of a drama or work of fiction : plot (3): the movement of incidents in a plot c: the combination of circumstances that constitute the subject matter of a painting or sculpture7 a: an operating mechanism b: the manner in which a mechanism or instrument operates8 a: the price movement and trading volume of a commodity, security, or market b: the process of betting including the offering and acceptance of a bet and determination of a winner c: financial gain or an opportunity for financial gain <a piece of the action>9: sexual activity10: the most vigorous, productive, or exciting activity in a particular field, area, or group <wants to be where the action is>

As a matter of sound policy, Network Aztlan News should be about the NEWS!
Actions related to actual ACTION should be posted with Network Aztlan Action.

Of course, sometimes the ACTION is the NEWS so you may post to both groups.

Think! Before you click Send! Let your mind be governed by rational reason and know the basic difference between a rational response and an emotional reaction.

Feel free to post to a specific individual with whom you have your beef out of the Group in lieu of aimless Email threads that often end up in a tangled mess.

Keep posts on a GROUP LEVEL!!!!

Use that sometimes rare human quality of the mind called common sense.

Maybe for some we can create yet another Network Aztlan Group called Network Aztlan Chispas!

To see and modify all of your groups, go to

You can subscribe to four (4) groups:


As Hermano Ron Gochez posted in Network Aztlan Action, May day is right around the corner so get out of the alley!
And I do not require a witty retort to this post. Let us get on with the NEWS, go out into your Barrio and make some NEWS, then come back and REPORT!

People worldwide should be able to come to our group and learn about the NEWS that is happening in Aztlan!!!!! Never underestimate who is monitoring US!

Time is of the quintessence of all that exists here now in the cosmos!

Don't waste time, energy or resources!
Anyone who continues to post irrelevant stuff will be put be Monitored before their post comes through to the Groupo, which is a mere click before being banned!

P.S. ~ Mi abuelo says, "Buy 'em computadoras and all that tech crap and they still can't get it right! We ought ta go back to smoke signals!"

P.S.S. ~
Here is a LINK to help you work on your serenity:

Nada mas ahora...

Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

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Be for real! Love La Raza Cosmca! Venceremos!