Monday, May 04, 2009

About "Very Little" evidence for American Indian genes among African-Americans

Gracias My Precious Brother Harvey ~ Times are so tough right for so many people that we need to be, think and do what we can to unite together, to work together, to pray together and to learn together. We should not be divided by sterile notions of race, nation, tribe or bloodline. We literally cannot afford the luxury of superficial divisions. We are all of the same blood ~ human blood ~ and we need to raise our consciousness to a deeper and wider understanding of what unites us, not what 'isms divide us.

Thanks to the Power of the Internet and all we can Google just about what we want to find one thing or another about what we want. We need to utilize our own spirits, search deep within our own souls and let our souls educate our minds as to the very truth that will free
us free from false illusions, free us from historical lies and free us from meaningless shallow mythology.

I know many African-Americans {aka: Black} who claim to have American native blood and do have facial features common to many so-called Native Americans. I am still not totally comfortable to that whole term 'American', since I know it origins.

The pertinent question is: Why is Leonard Peltier still being caged as an animal when he is such a beautiful humane being? We need to raise a mass cosmic consciousness about his long standing case and scores of others. We need to mobilize the masses together in order to win true liberty, justice and democracy for all of us! This takes a true working together unity among all of us of whatever blood origin. We are all natives of Mother Earth!
Main Entry: in·dig·e·nous           Listen to the pronunciation of indigenous
Function: adjective
Etymology:Late Latin indigenus, from Latin indigena, noun, native, from Old Latin indu, endo in, within + Latin gignere to beget — more at end-, kin
1 : having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment <indigenous plants> <the indigenous culture> 2 : innate, inborn
synonyms see native
in·dig·e·nous·ly adverb
in·dig·e·nous·ness noun

We whose ancestors were indigenous to these lands called the Americas and I call Aztlan in relation to the U.S. Southwest need to come togehter based upon our common dreams and our common survival needs HERE NOW!
Education for Liberation!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

From: Harvey Arden <>
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2009 6:21:09 PM
Subject: FW: "Very Little" evidence for American Indian genes among African-Americans

Here's a heart-warmer!  /Harvey

From: Harvey Arden []
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 9:07 PM
To: 'elizabeth louise'
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: RE: "Very Little" evidence for American Indian genes among African-Americans

Louise--I personally have met scores, even hundreds of 'blacks' with lots of  Indian blood...whole 'black' Indian tribes like the Shinnecock of Long Island; many Virginia tribes (Mataponi, Pamunkey etc).  Same with many Cherokee, etc etc--including our dear friend John Copage (I know he refuses to 'rest in peace' but haunts Mother Earth today in search of justice).  This study I don't trust one bit!  It's a corporate hack job pretending to be 'science', preserving white supremacist doctrine. For centuries Indian tribes offered blacks refuge from white oppression, even tribal membership. Any books on that subject--'Blacks & Indians'?  Blessings, /Harvey

From: elizabeth louise []
Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2009 3:51 AM
To: Harvey Arden
Cc:; Teresa Kurtzhall
Subject: "Very Little" evidence for American Indian genes among African-Americans

 I don't know about this study.  I know of too many African Americans who know of a grand or great-grand parent that is Native and it conflicts with what William Katz talks about in his Black Indian book.  What do you think of this study?   Jahkia
30 April 2009

By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer Randolph E. Schmid, Ap Science Writer –
1 hr 1 min ago

WASHINGTON – Africans have more genetic variation than anyone else on Earth, according to a new study that helps narrow the location where humans first evolved, probably near the South Africa-Namibia border.

The largest study of African genetics ever undertaken also found that nearly three-fourths of African-Americans can trace their ancestry to West Africa. The new analysis published Thursday in the online edition of the journal Science.

"Given the fact that modern humans arose in Africa, they have had time to accumulate dramatic changes" in their genes, explained lead researcher Sarah Tishkoff, a geneticist at the University of Pennsylvania.

People have been adapting to very diverse environmental niches in Africa, she explained in a briefing.
Over 10 years, Tishkoff and an international team of researchers trekked across Africa collecting samples to compare the genes of various peoples. Often working in primitive conditions, the researchers sometimes had to resort to using a car battery to power their equipment, Tishkoff explained.

The reason for their work? Very little was known about the genetic variation in Africans, knowledge that is vital to understanding why diseases have a greater impact in some groups than others and in designing ways to counter those illnesses.

Scott M. Williams of Vanderbilt University noted that constructing patterns of disease variations can help determine which genes predispose a group to a particular illness.

This study "provides a critical piece in the puzzle," he said. For example, there are clear differences in prevalence of diseases such as hypertension and prostate cancer across populations, Williams said.
Overall, the researchers were able to study and compare the genetics of 121 African groups, 60 non-African populations and four African-American groups.
The study also found that about 71 percent of African-Americans can trace their ancestry to western African origins. They also have between 13 percent and 15 percent European ancestry and a smaller amount of other African origins. There was "very little" evidence for American Indian genes among African-Americans, Tishkoff said.

Ehret added that only about 20 percent of the Africans brought to North America made the trip directly, while most of the rest went first to the West Indies.

And, he added, some local African-American populations, such as the residents of the sea islands off Georgia and South Carolina, can trace their origins to specific regions such as Sierra Leone and Guinea.

The study was funded by the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, the Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education at Vanderbilt University, the L.S.B. Leakey and Wenner Gren Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard and Burroughs Wellcome foundations.
My observations
Here is where you can find this Scott M. Williams of Vanderbilt University  scott m.
You know what, I am not comfortable with anyone telling my story. William Lorenz Katz brought a subject that our ancestors knew existed, with the advent of "black pride" & the desire to find ones identity in what is african, there became this big issue of being a "black indian" First of all, to my mind & to what I know of our people there is not such animal, you are Native/Firstpersons, with whatever mixture you might have. It is only because the european has done all he can to divide the Native community according to race, that we have this big issue..
Actually what this has unfortunately led its way to is a third identity which I want no part of. I am indigenous/aboriginal to this hemisphere,the candian alaska border,.africa & the carribean. I am a total idigenous package.
I have never felt the dichotomy so many seem to be running around with in their heads that they are somehow on the periphery of the Native community. I know too much about history to fall for what has become a european trick & that is of divide & conquer.
Whethere we became mixed in the Southeast/the Plains,Canda/Alaska, or wherever indigenous people lived, since all this country is Indian country, this world is indigenous country first & always,
We were given the responsibility to care for this land, we heard the land sing in our ears from birth, it is in our spirit & in the spirit of our young.
So the issue appears to be, how wedded are you or anyone else to the telling our your story from someone else's standpoint?
William Lorenz Katz tapped people on the shoulders, but remember he is an author who really expects to be paid large sums of money to tell your story & mine. Do we really need that to be the "authority" on us, or is the fact that you & I live & breathe this enough?
It is for me, which is why I have pretty much divorced myself from the most victrolic of this conversation, the africans are always going to try to claim ownership over us & that they are not allowed to do in my book, I am not for sale & I do not wish to belong to their club of sometimey ness.
My people were native to this hemisphere,indigenous to what is called the yukon, indigenous to west africa & indigenous to the carribean. & a little scot irish is thrown in.
So I prefer to define myself.
The ancestors are waiting for us to complete what they could not,. why allow ourselves to be thrown off course by this whole issue? We need to learn what correct balance is for indigenous people, we need to be relearning our traditions & languages.
Then working with whom we wish to save this planet the euros messed up. That is my prioirty.


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