Thursday, May 14, 2009

FYI: Ode to the Habanero

Come Together and Create!
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

From: Aztatl Garza <>
To: Aztatl Garza <>; adrian barboa <>; Albuquerque IWW email list <>; Mazatzin AZTEKAYOLOKALLI <>; Alb Peace & Justice <>; Allen Cooper <>; Bob Anderson <>; LaloXikano AlcarazCartoonist <>; "" <>; claire brock <>; Mike Trinity House Butler <>; Bianca Encinias <>; Lisa Burns <>; Edna Casman <>; Cansino <>; Cassandra Reid <>; FRANK SIFUENTES <>; Maria Cecilia Gallegos <>; tochtli Califas <>; Tupac Enrique <>; "" <>; GinaWOWconf. DiazUNM <>; Patrisia Col.DeLasAmer. Gonzales <>; Irene San Diego Zap email Castruita <>; Julie England <>; Enrique Cardiel <>; Elena Herrada <>; Rachelle ElCentro <>; Virginia Hampton <>; Janet <>; Hershel Weiss <>; Steve IWWblog Ongarth <>; Claudia Isaac <>; Jane Yee <>; John Salazar <>; Jeanne <>; Joy Soler <>; José Cuello <>; PatriciaSan Jose Juarez <>; KarenDowntownLib. K. Schmiege <>; Rachel Lazar <>; Ruth Millan <>; Mary(Poet) Oishi <>; MEChA Unm <>; Todd Mireles <>;; ourania tserotas <>; Santiago ObispoVenezuela <>; Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan <>; renee wolters <>; ricky allen <>; StopTheWarMachine <>; claude SF/CA <>;;
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 1:52:48 PM
Subject: Fwd: Ode to the Habanero

[for the forthcoming planting season]
Ode to the Habanero
True XXX Story
always in season popular
where the Sun so hot
must be a commie plot
 1950's-1960's matured
lurking there in the left hand cut,
light out, my habanero pepper
baby-doll hatchling darling
lonesome in the 'fridge - an
electric neon the sandwich
traffic has not touched
night of the living dead,
a most dangerous plant
more powerful than kryptonite
in the beginning was the word
y la palabra was HABANERO...
en El Jardin de Habaneros, el eden
back yard Xikano garden of spices
on Bagley y West Grand Boulevard,
Eva Sanchez said to Adan Garcia
in her most sultry voice
"orale honey, fijate, check out
this bad ass hotpepper, it is
sooooooo rico y good for you tambien! "
the remainder es historia
barbed wire fencing- cold
rio bravo waterway showers
later that evening,
into the wee wee hours
de la manana, adan
called eva his sweet
red hot pepper woman
hefe habanero
un dios among men
no es colored plain red or green
by god Herself si no pintado
glowing bright beelzebub red-orange
plutonium pulsation hypno-salivation
salvation chicken burro spicy
como el amor I fell for the lure
the fire set me free ...
oh beef y frijol tacito !
oh shameless
glut-o-nious stuffing
of one's own jowls !
I aged 4 years initiated into personhood-
tia habanera mi madrina y cool dos exxes
bironga mi padrino ...
                                          c. aztatl, 2004

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