Friday, May 15, 2009

Read: Stand with Obama on health care and Advocate for Humane Rights!

5-15-2009 @7:00 AM

Gracias Companero Bernadett ~ There is now a humane-rights-agenda Yahoo Group, has been a Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog and now there is an extension to the Humane-Rights-Agenda Group related to the Alliance for a New Humanity.


I am also one of the Moderators for another Yahoo Group called Network Aztlan News:

My life is complex in many ways, but I strive to simplify the complex, not complicate the simple.
Many good-hearted people are suffering from confusion as they have no fusion with connected reality, nor do they have a conscious contact with a spiritual higher power I refer to as the creator to help balance their daily lives. Relevant Revolution is love-motivaed and pure love is the supreme guiding principles, not dogmatic ideologies or esoteric philosophies.

A basic humane rights agenda speaks to an array of social issues, such as, global humane rights,
the whole immigration rights issue and its international importance, the right of indigenous native peoples, the prisoners rights issues, the women's rights issue, the gay liberation issue and can cover a lot of volatile ground related to 'issues in question'.

The ideal is to unify people on a basic common denominator based upon humane rights that is related to all peoples and all social justice issues. At the same time, we want to raise mass consciousness so that is coagulates into a critical mass of 'public opinion' that can impact on our world, the central government, regional power systems and even tribal domains.

To do this, positive and progressive forces need to comprehend that the essential truth of connected reality is in the center of what is really going on, not winged off into right vs. left-wings. The truth is in the center of connected reality. The whole schizophrenia of the so-called Left-Wing Movement inside the United States was a key factor in the Bush Regime being able to stay 'in power and secure' for eight years +.

There is still a lot of reactionary belief-systems fostered by the continuation of widespread social racism against non-White peoples that blocks the development of a sense of global community consciousness in the world. Plus, nowadays, after the 911 paranoia perpetuated by the former Bush Regime there is more and more of a xenophobia or fear of foreigns among ordinary Americans in general. People stopped identifying themselves as radicals and become progressives, though being a radical is a matter of subjective comparion. A clean glass of water for every child upon Mother Earth is a truly radical ideal!

The collective progressive movement has failed to galvanize the broad masses of people. There is now no collective unified field of operations among the people's vanguard elements that reaches out to the masses on a local, personal and door-to-door way, an approach to building true solidarity that promotes basic community organizing and promotes basic community education with a long-term vision of true liberation for the masses from all forms and manifestations of social repression under the unjust powers of what is in effect a failed state. The situation in the nation requires more than merely the same old fascist economic reforms.

Read Chomsky's Failed States. We all have to come to grips with the central fact that we are still living under the triad of a modern fascist state that molds, shapes and direct mass consciousness in ways that are detrimental to the people's basic survival interests: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education. It always goes back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Eventually we must look forward to toppling the present fascist system and replacing it with a true democratic socialist model that will necessarily have to be global in nature. At present, any sane rational mind should fathom the fact that corporate capitalism is in control of the global economy.
What has really fundamentally changed in the last few decades?!?!?

Now as to what form the future the inevitable global transformation will take and how aggressive it will get will depend largely upon the masses of people once they get fed up, wake up and seize the time to move forward for their full freedom from all forms of oppression by any means mandatory.

A basic law of capitalist economics is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We witness this daily. We are living under a failed state! The so-called 'safety net' of traditional welfare systems is
torn and tattered.

They are threatenng to close down local County Emergency Shelters here in Sacramento, in order to use Obama stimulus monies for those facing foreclosures, thus, economically aggravating a form of class warfare among those of us 'out-of-power' and insecure.

The common denominator for mass mobilization against all these injustices should be basic humane rights, unless we want to get complacent humm ommmmm and contemplate our own navels as a common human donominator, since most of us have one.

We all have inherited and inherent humane rights and the general humane rights movement should be a central focus of all positivfe and progressive humane beings!

Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

From: bernadett zuniga <>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 6:05:13 AM
Subject: Re: Stand with Obama on health care

Peter I do agree with you I do plenty of phone calls to WH. and congress. I am intrested in joining the humane rights grouop seeing I just signed up to help in the enviroment.

--- On Thu, 5/14/09, PETER S LOPEZ <> wrote:
Subject: Re: Stand with Obama on health care
Cc: "Net-Aztlan-News Group" <>, "H-R-A Group" <>, "Activist-List Yahoo-Group" <>, "Border-Action-Net ORG" <>, "Talking-Circle Yahoo-Group" <>
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:03 PM

Gracias Bernadett! I support President Obama in general, though we still need to create basic and fundamental changes in regards to the sacred humane rights of immigrants!

Let us learn from gross mistakes and phony alliances of the past and not follow anyone blindly and forget our own ethics, our own moral standards and our own spiritual principles.

Education for Liberation!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka: Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

From: bernadett zuniga <>
To:;; Patricia Mulholland <>; michael vines <>
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:40:17 PM
Subject: Fw: Stand with Obama on health care

--- On Wed, 5/13/09, Mitch Stewart, <> wrote:
From: Mitch Stewart, <>
Subject: Stand with Obama on health care
To: "Bernadett Zuniga" <>
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 12:24 PM

Organizing for America
Bernadett --

Monday morning, an unlikely gathering of health care industry and union leaders emerged from the White House, announcing a historic agreement to lower medical costs and save the average family up to $2,500. This kind of broad coalition would have been unthinkable in the past, when the old politics of division and short-term self interest held sway. But this is a new day.

And that afternoon, President Obama announced the three bedrock principles that any comprehensive health care reform must achieve: (1) reduce costs, (2) guarantee choice, and (3) ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care. And he set a hard goal for getting it done by the end of this year.

For those determined to oppose reform, the President's announcement means lobbyists are already scrambling across D.C. For the rest of us, it means there's no time to lose. As we speak, Congress is negotiating the details for health care reform, so the first step is showing where the American people stand.

Please click below to sign a declaration of support urging Congress to follow President Obama's three core principles for health care reform -- and to enact them before the end of this year:

Watch the President's remarks and sign the declaration

(The more signatures we have, the more powerful our message will be, so please add your name and then forward this note on to family and friends.)

The health care crisis is not new, but it's getting worse. For decades, real health care reform has been blocked by special interest lobbying and political point-scoring. We simply cannot go any further down this dangerous road of delay and denial. But we don't have to.

Monday's agreement marks only the beginning of the broad coalition we need. The most important reason this round of health care reform will be different is you. Last fall millions of regular people came together and did the impossible. Now, we've got to roll up our sleeves, join hands with those new to our movement, and do it again.

Congress is already hammering out the details of the health care package, and it could still go any number of ways. Our representatives need to understand that when the President lays out these three bedrock principles, Americans of every stripe are standing with him. Monday's diverse gathering was a powerful start -- and now it's up to us.

It's time to stand up. Please sign the declaration of support today:

Reducing costs, guaranteeing choice, and ensuring care for all are ambitious goals, but they are nothing less than what the American people deserve. And passing real health care reform this year is nothing less than what the American people need.

Thank you,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Here are some excerpts from the President's announcement on Monday that lay out the three principles for health care reform and why we need it this year. Please forward this note to people who want to know where the President stands.


In the coming weeks and months, Congress will be engaged in the difficult issue of how best to reform health care in America. I'm committed to building a transparent process where all views are welcome. But I'm also committed to ensuring that whatever plan we design upholds three basic principles: First, the rising cost of health care must be brought down; second, Americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health care plan they have, or to choose a new doctor or health care plan if they want it; and third, all Americans must have quality, affordable health care.

These are principles that I expect to see upheld in any comprehensive health care reform bill that's sent to my desk -- I mentioned it to the groups that were here today. It's reform that is an imperative for America's economic future, and reform that is a pillar of the new foundation we seek to build for our economy; reform that we can, must, and will achieve by the end of this year.

Ultimately, the debate about reducing costs -- and the larger debate about health care reform itself -- is not just about numbers; it's not just about forms or systems; it's about our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. And I understand that. As I've mentioned before during the course of the campaign, my mother passed away from ovarian cancer a little over a decade ago. And in the last weeks of her life, when she was coming to grips with her own mortality and showing extraordinary courage just to get through each day, she was spending too much time worrying about whether her health insurance would cover her bills. So I know what it's like to see a loved one who is suffering, but also having to deal with a broken health care system. I know that pain is shared by millions of Americans all across this country.

And that's why I was committed to health care reform as a presidential candidate; that's why health care reform is a key priority to this presidency; that's why I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is finally achieved in the United States of America.


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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