Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aztatl> Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] Video> and the Word...~Peta-de-Aztlan~

Gracias ~ I have evolved to a level of cosmic consciousness where I am aware
that all of life is ultimately spiritual energy or various forms of energy that is
manifested in various dimensions in what is actually a multi-dimension connected
reality but this sounds too New Ageish for many people, though it is ancient.

I got this from a hermana from Venezuela today ~

It is about the 'Wayuu people' ~

Wayuu are the most numerous indigenous population from Colombia
and Venezuela. Sited in the desert peninsula of Guajira, they don´t need passport to walk between the both countries.

Piahis/Doctors, Palabreros/ Lawyer, Wayunaaiki/Spanish The wayuu have known how to mix their own laws with technology, although they keep on distrusted of the white people.

Los Wayuu son la etnia indígena más numerosa de Venezuela y Colombia. Mezcla ejemplar de modernidad y tradición, esta cultura matriarcal en la que se muere dos veces, se asienta en la desértica península de la Guajira, tierra fronteriza por la que se desplaza sin necesidad de pasaporte ni visados.

Piachis/médicos, Palabreros/abogados, Wayunaaiki/español Los Wayuu han sabido mantener sus propias leyes tomando de ocidente la tecnología, pero sin dejar de desconfiar del hombre blanco, el alijuna.
Category: Film & Animation
If you saw my earlier video (dislike words that denote personal possession) I mentioned how Email threads have a way of becoming entangled.

The idea here is mass mobilization, seeking common denominators and not getting stuck in the National Question.
A true nation should have the capacity to defend its borders, protect its people and cannot be a mere mental state of mind,
but rather a physical state of existence with a central state, army, police and an armed population.

Chicano Cultural Nationalism got the whole Chicano Movement off track and side tracked. We took it as far as we could but now we need to look at it all as Che Guevara was seeing in relation to global struggles for justice. We can be among the global vanguard leadership for new ways of bringing people together in unity, working on common dreams and elevating mass consciousness so long as we ourselves are willing to change, evolve and develop as humane beings in harmony with all people of all lands speaking all tongues.

In the process we need to build an infrastructure, build up the machinery for doing what needs to be done. The Internet is a main communication medium but we must also work in direct connection with people on the local level around us HERE NOW.

Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. Lopez {aka:Peta}
Sacramento, California,Aztlan

Yahoo Email:

Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!


From: Aztatl Garza <>
To:;;; Alb Peace & Justice <>; Albuquerque IWW email list <>; Allen Cooper <>; Aztatl Garza <>; Bianca Encinias <>; CJ Levine <>; Confed.delAguila y elCondor <>; "" <>; Ebustill <>; Edna Casman <>; Elena Herrada <>; Enrique Cardiel <>; Food Not Bombs <>; FRANK SIFUENTES <>; Greg s.texas Rodriguez <>; HanaClay Li <>; James Marquez <>; Jane Yee <>; Janet <>; Jeanne <>; Jesse Enriquez <>; John Salazar <>; JorgeDanzante GarciaSundancer <>; José Cuello <>; Joy Soler <>; Julie England <>; KarenDowntownLib. K.. Schmiege <>; LaloXikano AlcarazCartoonist <>; Latin Amer. Org. <>; Lisa Burns <>; Maria Cecilia Gallegos <>; Mary(Poet) Oishi <>; Maurus Chino <>; Mazatzin AZTEKAYOLOKALLI <>; MEChA Unm <>; ourania tserotas <>; PatriciaSan Jose Juarez <>; Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan <>; renee wolters <>; Ruth Millan <>; Santiago ObispoVenezuela <>; "SF, CA" <>; " IWW Editor" <>; Steve IWWblog Ongarth <>; StopTheWarMachine <>; Teresa Marquez <>; Terry Schleder <>; "" <>; tochtli Califas <>; Todd Mireles <>; Tony Herrera <>; Tupac Enrique Acosta <>; "Vanessa Maracaibo, Venz Di Domenico" <>; Viola Wilkins <>; Virginia Hampton <>; Zap Mex <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:13:11 AM
Subject: Re: GB>Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] Video> Spin~8-24-2009~Online Groups and the Word...~Peta-de-Aztlan~

The National Question
! Orale ese ! I am mostly in agreement with you. Raza Cozmika I have some problem with, although I am spiritual by nature. Europeans & wannabe Europeans tend to lump things together, if you've seen one Latino you've seen them all. We are uniqely ourselves across North "America", Mexico & all of Latin America. Being different is alright because we are located in different locals with our own historical & educational influences. Good luck my friend, & so far as creative writing or art go- aventate! It becomes fun after awhile, finding out who you are deep down inside. The colonizer did a number on People of Color in order to control us.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:34 PM, PETER S LOPEZ ;

Gracias GB/01 ~ I am learning how to better flow in my writing, be creative and not always worry about being 'politically correct' in lock-step with any party line. As fate and the forces of nature would have it, Chicanos are in a historically unique position to make a huge impact on the whole situation here now inside the United States, in all the Americas and in turn the whole global situation.

We are in the brain of the Minotaur beast, we are geographically now positioned to influence the course of coming events. We must always keep our faith in the people and their native intelligence. Us pioneers of the early Chicano Movimiento can have a large impact on current social events so long as we reach out to all others based upon our basic common survival needs, have a long-range vision for total liberation and are open to embracing all peoples of all lands as humane beings.

Labels are limiting. Our potential is truly infinite and imagination is always more important that intellectual knowledge. In a real way it is good that we have so many different terms to describe ourselves ~ Chicanos, Mexicanos, Mexican-Americans, La Raza, Latinos, Indios, Native-Americans, indigenous, Brown People, Spanish and whatever other label or term that suits us and feels comfortable to us. We know who we are. We are of all of it and more!

We can use the term La Raza Cosmica in an attempt to be inclusive of all of us. We are actually blessed to have so many terms and labels in reference to us in recognition of our beautiful diversity, including linguistically with many of us being bi-lingual in varying degrees with assorted dialects.

Truth is our greatest spiritual tool, the Word must be expressed and be in harmony with the Action ~ all guided by the Spirit.

I love the whole concept of Network Aztlan, remember Aztlan Network and know it will grow as long as we remain open, rational and receptive to the ideas, analyses and opinions of others who we good hearted, though may at times be mis-guided, including myself!

We can learn nothing if we know everything. We should continue to explore other forms of media: videos, blogs, websites, groups and above all we must remember the primary of praxis, solvent social practice, making the Word come alive via Action!

Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. Lopez {aka:Peta}
Sacramento, California,Aztlan

Yahoo Email: peter.lopez51@
Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!
http://groups. group/NetworkAzt lan_News/

http://groups. group/THIRD- WORLD-NEWS/

From: Bejarano <artxchange@yahoo. com>
To: NetworkAztlan_ News@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:04:29 AM
Subject: Re: [NetworkAztlan_ News] Video> Spin~8-24-2009~ Online Groups and the Word...~Peta- de-Aztlan~

I raise my hands, thanks you for your video it helped me to validate the word being expressed. For things to be done, and things unknown, and to all considerations that inquires our varied interests in making the group/word and social dialog (Chicano on-line) with the best of them.



From: PETER S LOPEZ <peter.lopez51@>
To: Net-Aztlan-News Group <NetworkAztlan_ News@yahoogroups .com>; Network-Aztlan- Action Yahoo Group <NetworkAztlan_ Action@yahoogrou>; H-R-A Group <Humane-Rights- Agenda@yahoogrou>
Cc: Talking-Circle Yahoo-Group <Talking-Circle@ yahoogroups. com>; Activist-List Yahoo-Group <Activist_List@ yahoogroups. com>; Issues-Online Yahoo Group <issuesonline_ worldwide@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 6:13:52 AM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_ News] Video> Spin~8-24-2009~ Online Groups and the Word....~Peta- de-Aztlan~

Monitor: Peter S. Lopez "Peta":
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