Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sign the Petition: Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier

The petition

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

Leonard Peltier, an innocent man, was convicted for the 1975 shooting deaths of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. U.S. prosecutors have repeatedly admitted that they did not and cannot prove Peltier's guilt and the appellate courts have cited numerous instances of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct in this case. As late
as November 2003, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals acknowledged that "Much of the government's behavior at the Pine Ridge Reservation and its prosecution of Mr. Peltier
is to be condemned. The government withheld evidence. It intimidated witnesses.
These facts are not disputed."

The courts claim they lack the power to right this wrong. But, as President, you can.
In this case, your concern should be for equal treatment. From the time of Peltier's conviction until the mid-1990s, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the
average length of imprisonment served for homicide in the United States ranged from
94 to 99.8 months. Even if you were to take Peltier's two consecutive life sentences
into account at the higher end of this range, it is clear that Peltier should have been released a very long time ago. His continued imprisonment after over 30 years appears
to be nothing less than revenge for a crime Mr. Peltier did not commit. Personalized and politically motivated vengeance of this kind cannot be tolerated. The concepts of justice and good government require that you act to correct this wrong.

Peltier has served his time. Even by the government's own definition, he has already
been imprisoned for a lifetime. In that time, he has missed the simplest things of ordinary life -- having dinner with friends, taking walks in the woods, gardening, children's laughter, dogs barking, the feel of rain on his face, the sound of birds singing... winter and summer and spring and fall. He has missed seeing his children and grandchildren grow up. They suffer, too. Mr. Peltier is now a great-grandfather. How many more generations must
suffer this tragedy?

After careful consideration of the facts in Mr. Peltier's case, we have concluded that Leonard Peltier does not represent a risk to the public. First, Mr. Peltier has no prior convictions and has advocated for non-violence throughout his prison term. Furthermore, Mr. Peltier has been a model prisoner. He has received excellent evaluations from his work supervisors on a regular basis. He continues to mentor young Native prisoners, encouraging them to lead clean and sober lives. He has used his time productively, disciplining himself to be a talented painter and an expressive writer. Although Mr. Peltier maintains that he did not kill the agents, he has openly expressed remorse and sadness over their deaths.

Most admirably, Mr. Peltier contributes regular support to those in need. He donates his paintings to charities including battered women's shelters, half way houses, alcohol and drug treatment programs, and Native American scholarship funds. He also coordinates an annual gift drive for the children of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation -- a successful program that, in 2006, expanded to include other reservations throughout the country.

Leonard Peltier is widely recognized in the human rights community for his good deeds and in turn has won several human rights awards including the North Star Frederick Douglas Award; Federation of Labour (Ontario, Canada) Humanist of the Year Award; Human Rights Commission of Spain International Human Rights Prize; and 2004 Silver Arrow Award for Lifetime Achievement. Mr. Peltier also has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize six times.

Leonard Peltier is over 60 years old and his health is deteriorating. He has suffered a stroke which left him partially blind in one eye. For many years, Peltier had a seriously debilitating jaw condition which left him unable to chew properly and caused consistent pain and headaches. Today, Mr. Peltier continues to suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure,
and a heart condition. He risks blindness, kidney failure, stroke, and certainly premature death given his diet, living conditions, and health care.

We, the undersigned, say enough is enough, Mr. President. Do the right thing. Grant Executive Clemency to Leonard Peltier right away.

Thank you for giving fair consideration to Leonard Peltier.

Sign the petition

Petition sponsor


Call the White House Comment Line:
202-456-1111 / 202-456-1112.
Mr. President, Free Peltier NOW!



Official site of the LPDOC which is the center of communication between Peltier, his supporters, the media, and his attorneys. Your sustained support is needed and appreciated!

Comment: As Aghanistan is the Achilles' heel for President Obama,  the continued
caging of Leonard Peltier is testimony to a flaw in his basic humane character!

Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. Lopez {aka:Peta}
Sacramento, California,Aztlan
Yahoo Email: 
Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!


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