Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Got It! Read: ~In the Spirit of Leonard Peltier~


Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta

Sacramento, California, Aztlan

Yahoo Email:


Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!






From: Harvey Arden <>
Sent: Tue, October 6, 2009 6:51:36 PM
Subject: ~In the Spirit of Leonard Peltier~

~Are you getting this email?  If so, please reply with GOT IT! on the subject line.  Thanks!~  







My tears are gasoline,

My snot explosive

I piss sulphuric acid

and dump brown bombs of hatred


Oh, God, yes, I hate

the murderers of my People

of my Family

of my Ancestors

of my Elders

of myself

Oh, God, yes, I hate


But their hatred far exceeds mine

and mine hurts only me

I bear the hurt alone

I bear the hurt of the World



And who will share my pain?


Oh, take my hand then, Brother, Sister,

And let us share the pain of the World

Let us pool our tears of  Sadness

And drown our Great Grief


You & I

And the People


Yes, together


Mitakuye Oyasin

We are All related

We are All One




                                              ~In the Spirit of Leonard Peltier~







From: Pauline Hillaire [pauline_hillaire@...]

What a sacred moment you had to write this poem.  God bless Leonard Peltier; may his freedom be spiritual and real one day soon.  Pauline "Scalla" Hillaire


From: Barbi Brant [mailto:barbibrant@...]
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 1:16 PM
To: Harvey Arden
Subject: RE: ~~Innocence is the new CRIME and we are ALL guilty!~~ 4+

Your E-mails touch the hearts of many, keep working, keep going, and Blessings!
Barb Brant
Turtle Clan
Mohawk Nation
Lands of the Peacemaker

Harvey answers:

Many thanks, Barb.  We WILL get him out…or die trying.  And even from Beyond, I will spam the Universe on behalf of Leonard Peltier. Blessings, /Harvey


From: Alexandra C

Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:53 PM
To: Harvey Arden
Subject: Re: ~^~Something to Share~^~


Dear Harvey,
As a supporter of Leonard's release I thank you for sharing this
video with me. It was wonderful to view and hear your words
and thoughts on each man you have written about and been
blessed to know.

Humanity has been taught to believe the lies and that only lies
are spoken by those who have an agenda, sadly not to hear the
truth when it is spoken. I am blessed to know when I hear the
truth and to believe when it is in the best interest for all.

You are a blessing for all of humanity, and to think you have only
just begun is an other blessing.

They say we are to wait for the White Buffalo to return. I have thought
of this many times and what the return would be about. Where is it
said the White Buffalo would return in animal form? I believe he has
returned in the form of a man, that man being Leonard Peltier. Just
this woman's belief.

Thank you again for this gift.

Alexandra C


Harvey answers:


Alexandra—If I might extend your metaphor a bit…summed up as 'Leonard can be seen as a human manifestation of the White Buffalo'—isn't it interesting that, were that true, or even if it isn't true, the Elite has chosen to imprison him for life for the unforgiveable crime of being innocent.  Yes, though he's as imperfect a human being as any of us, there IS something holy about Leonard—he represents the suppression and oppression of Innocence and Truth by a shadowy beyond-the-law Elite and its servant minions (FBI etc) now strangling the entire human species and all Life itself in its insidious tentacles.   

Innocence is the new CRIME and we are ALL guilty! Blessings, /Harvey



From: Pat Talley [mailto:pattalley@...]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:15 PM
Subject: WisdomKeeper Reading Video


Dear Mr. Arden, 

Wado.  Wado.  Thank you for sharing this video.  Your heart filled reading touched me immensely.

 When I first read Noble Red Man I was impressed by the sharing of Mathew King's forthrightness.  His plain talk made clear the message he intended to share.  His words are timeless.  This video will carry his words to many that might never have the opportunity to read the book.

 Your insights shared during the reading are a treasure. 

 Mr. King's dream lives on through your sharing of his vision.

 I will certainly share the link to your video with many that I know will also appreciate the words shared.

 Thank you for the gift of preserving and sharing the words of the WisdomKeepers.


Pat Talley

Harvey answers:

 Pat—Thank you for your kind words.  They warm my old heart.  I was 74 yesterday,,,and, hey, I'm just getting started!  Hope to meet you some day…you ever invite old authors to speaking venues?  I'd be honored. I'll be in Houston to give some talks sometime this fall, when my new NOBLE RED MAN audio CD (with music) comes out.  Publisher George Blitch of is bringing me down; maybe have a sidetrip to Corpus Christi?   If you like give him a call at 713-302-2028.   Blessings, /Harvey.

 PS: Be sure to have folks check out www.haveyouthought.comGREAT STUFF THERE!


From the desk of  Harvey Arden

 Author:  WISDOMKEEPERS: Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders

DREAMKEEPERS: A Spirit-Journey into Aboriginal Australia

  NOBLE RED MAN: Lakota Wisdomkeeper Mathew King

TRAVELS IN A STONE CANOE: The Return to the Wisdomkeepers



WHITE BUFFALO TEACHINGS  by Chief Arvol Looking Horse 

VOICE OF THE HAWK ELDER by Seneca Wisdomkeeper Edna Gordon 



Hope you enjoy this free 50-minute videoLemme know what you think.  Please FWD to friends & post online

Many thanks, /Harvey



                                           Author Harvey Arden speaks & reads

                                at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, CA




Part  1)    On the Wisdomkeepers and 'Travels in a Stone Canoe.'

   2)    On Lakota Elder Mathew King from the book 'Noble Red Man'

    3)    On Leonard Peltier: A Plea to President Barack Obama

 See 50-minute free video here:


(Also scroll down to 'comments' for lots of other interesting 'soul-stuff')


Comments to


 For more info on Harvey's recent works—including the new NOBLE RED MAN audio CD—



To keep getting messages from Harvey Arden reply with YES on subject line


~We need to widen our Community of Souls!


           Please FWD this to others! CC me, if you like~



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