Saturday, October 24, 2009

Immigrant Rights Groups Blast Census Plan + Comment

Immigrant Rights Groups Blast Census Plan

Activists say it's unconstitutional, but some say it's needed

Updated 8:45 AM PDT, Sat, Oct 24, 2009


Bill Sparkman may have been killed because he was a federal worker.
Getty Images

A plan that would require the U.S. Census to ask people whether they are in the country illegally has sparked protest from local Latino rights activists.

The North County Times reports that the plan is contained in an amendment to a funding bill for the 2010 census. It was proposed by Senators David Vitter, R-La., and Bob Bennett, R-Utah, and could be taken up by the Senate as soon as next week.

Civil and immigrant rights groups said the amendment violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that all people be counted for the purpose of reapportionment.

Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Solana Beach, said he supports the proposal.

"Historically, we've asked about citizenship on the long form of the census questionnaire," Bilbray told the paper. "There's no reason we can't be asking in the short form."

The census is taken every 10 years and counts every person living in the country, but it has never asked whether a person is in the country legally or not.

Vitter has said that undocumented immigrants living in the country distort political districts in favor of states with large immigrant populations, such as California, according to the paper.

Immigrant and civil rights advocates say the measure is a ploy to scare immigrants from participating in the census and some immigrant rights groups might call on Latinos to boycott the 2010 census.


Comment: In the last analysis, a democratic socialist revolution is the ultimate solution! Do not be afraid of the 's' word!!!!!

We should continue to strive and struggle for relevant reforms within the context of the present U.S. Power Structure, but let us not be deceived by any illusions. Mere reforms will never ever suffice, not if it excludes a real transformation of property relations between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'.

Recall John F.Kennedy statement, (American 35th US President (1961-63), 1917-1963)

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."

All of us here now inside the United States should actively participate in the upcoming U.S. Census, including Chicanos, Latinos and all of La Raza inside Aztlan. It is the fascist-imperialist corporate state that creates its own gravediggers, manufactures outlaws, turns hard-working law-biding human beings into so-called illegal aliens.

Latinos are now the largest so-called minority inside the United States with an estimated an odd fifty-one (51) million people, 

Peta51 VIA U.S. Census Bureau=Hispanic Population in the United States in Millions!1970-2050~

We need to come together, create disciplined, directed and determined cadres of warriors to provide vanguard leadership based upon our common survival needs and social dreams. We must mobilize millions upon millions of people with a multi-social approach: all peoples, all cultures, all languages, all ethnic groups! We are all human beings!

Sheds any remnants of racism, sexism, nationalism and all forms of reactionary divisions that blind us to the urgent need for our common unity! Join survival group! Be prepared! Wake up the sleepy ones!

Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. López aka:~Peta-de-Aztlan~



Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!



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