Thursday, February 07, 2013


2/7/2013 ~
Gracias Patricio ~Why not share a little about your background? I will try to keep track more here in this Group. My style is to be Honest, Open and Willing to change, grow and evolve.

I usually respond with reason rather than react with emotion with others, online and offline. I have been a Monitor for Yahoo Groups for several years or more and frankly it can be a real drag. I am usually reporting news via Twiter in the times. Suggest you get an account.

I felt a little offense by Javier in response to one of my Emails but then I remember not to take everything personal.

We are dealing with the macho-male ego here, which is fine, but we need to be mindful of any inflated ego. I hope we are all mindful of the need to just state the truth as we see it, engage in constructive dialogue and not ego-trip. We do not have to get the last word, be rude or be validated as being right by others.

As a recovered dope fiend and drunk I have a good awareness of the character defects and shortcomings of myself and others. So we need to have the quality of loving compassion when relating to  others in our communications. Words typed on a screen can be easily misunderstood and cannot fully convey the tone and tenor of one's spirit.

In other words, we should all be aware that confusion is not limited to Anglos. Many are confused, are confronted by their own existential challenges and we should be respectful to one another in our communications.

As Monitor of this group I will simply Edit Group Membership of anyone who is just ego-tripping and being divisive as if they are trying to impress anyone and approve or reject their post.

On the other hand, I believe in freedom of expression as a natural right so I strive to be judicious. I have other fish to fry... or is it chorizo con webos (have not had breakfast yet).

Let's get our shit together, quit damning each other and help unite La Raza Cosmica!

Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California

CC: Patricio and Javier

From: Patricio Gomez <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: Read: JOAQUIN ARE THEY LOST IN A WORLD OF ANGLO CONFUSION: Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform

In response to the vulgar comments by Rodriguez (he must be fixated with orgasms since he mentioned it so many times), the debate has only begun.  Much more is obviously required to lay out one's thinking on the matter than in one small opinion piece, which emphasized more than anything else debunking the notion that opposition to comprehensive immigration reform only comes in the form of Republican clothing.  Rodriquez refuses to address the question of the quality of immigration reform as if what President Obama proposes is all roses.  He refuses to confront the reality that this president will have deported, by the end of 2013, more immigrants than any president, Democrat or Republican, in the past one hundred years.  Yes, yes, we will get to the practicalities of strategy and tactics soon enough, and a progressive framework for comprehensive immigration reform developed by hundreds of local immigrant rights groups - not Democratic front foundations or networks.  Be patient Mr. Rodriguez.  There is no reason to praise Mr. Obama about the re-election campaign.  It was known very early on, much before the November election, that big capital, and international capital, wanted Obama to stay in office.  He did quite right by them and for them during his first term.  There is no denying that blacks, Latinos, and Asian Americans titled mightily in favor of the president, but the reality is that combined they cast less votes in 2012 than they did in  2008.  We will fill in the details soon enough.  However, we cannot get lulled by the euphoria of the president's rhetoric and only see CIR through the lens (framework) that  he and his cohorts have laid out.   In other words, we need to lay out our own framework that finds its origin in the souls of the immigrant, not in the halls of congress or the White House. 
Patricio Gomez -

From: Peter S. Lopez <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "LARED-L@LISTSERV.CYBERLATINA.NET" <LARED-L@LISTSERV.CYBERLATINA.NET>; "" <>; "" <>
Cc: Humane-Rights-Agenda Group <>; Talking-Circle Group <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 6:58 PM
Subject: Read: JOAQUIN ARE THEY LOST IN A WORLD OF ANGLO CONFUSION: Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California

See: Joaquin, are they lost in a world of anglo confusion? via @wordpressdotco
From: javier rodriguez <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 3:13 PM
Subject: JOAQUIN ARE THEY LOST IN A WORLD OF ANGLO CONFUSION: Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform

La Rayuela de Javier
Joaquin, are they "Lost in a World of Anglo Confusion"
Let's ensure this online discussion on expands so as to bring in other writers and activists into the debate that's definitely heating up in the country and internationally on the awaited and coveted Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
 I think that Patricio presents a good critical argument but upon wanting to land on solutions, meaning a political, organizational and media strategy and plan of action to move the country's political and social forces, he falls totally over the cliff and dedicates 29 words to it, revealing no real practical vision:
"All these contradictions present challenges to the progressive immigrant forces involved in the struggle for true reform. So, let's stay together and not waste our ammunition on each other." 29 words
 Hasta alli llega y se cae, casi como en un orgasmo con balas de salva Hollywoodenses /It's as far as he got, almost like an orgasm with Hollywood blanks.  It's obvious he's not tied to any of the major political currents or organizational coalitions in the region or nationally that he could refer to or quote. In other words to say, I firmly believe that the path to legalization and the empowerment for our people within the present capitalist framework "for this year is this way."
To many of us in the Latino progressive or left wing of the movement, the answer has been  screaming at us by the millions of our people who used their growing electoral power and coalesced with the broad coalition to defeat the ultra right anti immigrant wing on November 6, 2012. In doing so they rejected the appeals from some quarters to support the absurd 2010 call to boycott the census as well as the call of no re-election of Barack Obama for a second term. It's a no brainer. They saw no other viable alternative and to internalize this, it is imperative to land and not just remain in the frantic orgasm status. Our people saw who was and are its allies. In the path to the resolution on the legalization of their weakest sector, the undocumented, they clearly differentiated between the blues and the reds -the only game in town- who was and is nearest to their aspirations. Of course the record breaking Latino vote and message wasn't spontaneous. Behind it were Labor, Latino and Immigrant organizations and other movements , but the political organizing strategy was built and implemented skillfully by the Obama for America Presidential Campaign. Today, at three months since the elections, millions of those Latino voters as well as other sectors of the coalition are going to be mobilized behind the push for immigration reform and other legislative priorities. In other words, the tens of millions that voted for Obama have been placed on an active list for political participation, lobbying and pressure.
I'll deal with the surge of the momentum in another piece soon because when you abstract and see the chronology of events, you decipher the process it's a lot easier to see the more complete panorama.
 For a better understanding of the Latino and immigrant connection look for the column written by Latino Univision Radio DJ Fernando Espuelas on Sunday's editorial pages. It is a masterful piece that points out how the attacks on immigrants are seen clearly as an attack on Latinos and consequently the issue of immigration is a charged emotional and passionate subject. As I read it and understood it, Espuelas makes the point that "when you fruck with immigrants you are frucking with us." The latter my words.
Finally, if the brothers are contemplating implementing a deeper structural revolutionary reform or an assault on the presidential seat of the Empire trough the struggle on immigration, under these present conditions, I respectfully think they are traveling in a space shuttle or as the historical Joaquin stated "lost in a world of Anglo confusion." ZAZ, respectfully, Javier
With your permission I'll amplify the discussion to other websites and reading email lists so as to invite others to partake on this thread.

Additionally a meeting tomorrow Thursday is being called for all of the members that composed the March 25 Coalition in the making of the immigrant Spring 2006. The agenda or motivation is to celebrate and give recognition to the photographers who immortalized the mega mobilizations of March 25, April 15 Student and Youth March and the May 1st Great American Boycott.  For information on where contact Gloria Saucedo 818-919-4718 or Javier 213-909-3410
--- On Tue, 2/5/13, Patricio Gomez <> wrote:

From: Patricio Gomez <>
Subject: Re: From Peta > [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform
To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 10:09 PM

The issue of comprehensive immigration reform is much more complex than presented as a Democratic versus Republican contradiction, or that the only opponents of reform are the conservatives, the extreme right, etc., etc.  It is not so black and white as presented by Rodriguez.  A brief overview of enforcement and draconian immigration laws since 1986 will demonstrate that it has been Democrats (Clinton and Obama) who bare the greatest responsibility for the 1996 repressive Illegal Immigration Reform Act (curtailed rights of immigrations, eliminated the 245i waiver, increased the list of criminal offenses to deny legal status and to deport permanent residents, and much more) - although it was a Republican controlled congress that passed the law, Clinton had the opportunity to use the veto but rejected the option; detentions and deportations under the Obama administration (already 1,565,000, plus to date and projected to reach 2,000,000 by the end of 2013) will exceed all such enforcement combined under all presidential administrations over the past 100 years - Democrat and Republican, not to mention enhanced border troop force and use of national guard, continuation of the contruction of the border wall (which Obama voted for at the end of 2006 on the hills of the massive immigrant rights marches; as did Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein the two Zionist U.S. Senators from California who have never seen a border wall that they did not embrace be that in the occupied territories in the Middle East or along the U.S. - Mexico border); E-verify, which constitutes draconian enforcement in the workplace, while begun under the Bush administration, was rapidly and completely embraced and expanded under Obama; Secure Communities, again begun under Bush, was expanded under Obama; the use of drones surveillance military weaponry along the border is Obama's baby. 
President Obama only today, February 05, 2013, in a meeting with "prominent immigrant advocates and labor leaders" declined to stay deportations as comprehensive immigration reform is being discussed in both houses of the U.S. Congress.  He does not intend on easing up on enforcement, although he recognized that not only criminal offenders are caught up in the dragnets.  His premise is that to get reform he cannot be seen as letting up on enforcment, and does not want this to be the object of discussion.
The fact is that this has been his premise since his first year in office.  The truth of the matter is that after he was unwilling to put his shoulder to the task of comprehensive immigration reform during this first year, and the Democratic Party had a majority in both houses, he kicked the ball down the field until 2013.  I hope you remember that his chief of staff at the time, now mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, who served Obama until the end of 2010, let it be known publicly that this was the timeline - no immigration reform until 2013, the first year of a second term.  In other words, the dye was cast in 2009 and from then on it was hell bent enforcement across the board.
The reality is that we are faced with two political parties that do the bidding for the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.  One is nasty and the other is nastier to the American people, which includes all immigrants and migrants irrespective of their legal status lest one forgets that all working people represent nothing more to capital but wage-labor to be exploited, and these career politicians represent the 1%, not the 99%.  The truth of this is in the eating of the pudding.  Take off the blinders, no need to be an  apologist for the president or his party, and analyze closely the proposals of both Obama and the bipartisan senate group disspassionately and you will find the truth of the matter.  On both scores, they include heavy enforcement measures, border and interior, back of the line-type of "legalization," enhanced visas for high-skilled intellectual labor (which constitutes a conscious brain-drain for other countries), a guest worker program, expedited visas for agricultural workers (agri-business just needs its cheap labor - ala Senator Diane Feinstein - D-CA), etc.  In other words, you won't find fundamental differences between their proposals.  They will be fighting around the edges, and they intend on taking us with them on a yo-yo emotional high during the course of the year.  In other words, they have already created the framework from which the debate will occur.  This is more about contolling the flow of labor, the type of labor required by capital at this juncture in the economic development of the country and the normalization of the reserve army of labor already inside the country under dubious circumstances, the undocumented. 
We don't need to get our calzones in a wad and argue amongst ourselves, but direct our fire towards the recalcitrant opponents of comprehensive immigration reform, and the worst features of CIR as proposed by the president and the bipartisan group, and the liberal apologist of the administration and the democrats who have already bought into the framework and continued rampant enforcement.  This will be our greatest challenge.  For example, we will be challenged by the fact that many labor unions have already bought in to the idea that some form of guest-worker program is required if CIR is to become a reality.  Eliseo Medina, International Secretary Treasurer for SEIU, for example, while speaking progressive rhetoric in favor of CIR will advocate such a position.  He did so in 2007 and is expected to do so again.  This will be at odds with most in the AFL-CIO, however, even here we observe a weaking of their traditonal position.  The UFW will weigh in on this debate, and once again, it will feign opposition, but ultimately acquisesce to its existence as long as it gets an opportunity to access the contracted workers.
All these contraditions present challenges to the progressive immigrant forces involved in the struggle for true reform.  So, let's stay together and not waste our ammunition on each other.  Patricio Gomez, at your service.
From: Peter S. Lopez <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: From Peta > [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform
Gracias I'm here. The truth remains and we should see the whole immigration reform issue, which will not be enough reform when we need a larger global liberation. a part of the larger collective struggle. Saw the hearings on C-Span today. We need to keep a Big Picture view in mind. We do not even have a good solid organization for La Raza. Now is the time for clarity and leadership.
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California
From: javier rodriguez <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: From Peta > [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform
Bro Pete, you definitely have to land. The contradiction I'm refering to is on immigration reform. A reform within the capitalist context which is what is in front of us now because the momentum opened it and brought it to the fore. ZAZ

--- On Tue, 2/5/13, Peter S. Lopez <> wrote:

From: Peter S. Lopez <>
Subject: From Peta > [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform
To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 5:43 PM

The principal dialectical contradiction to resolve in 2013 is the one between corporate fascism and the masses of people on a global level, not immigration though it is also important. We must decide to combat the Evil Empire, unite with all peoples and build or re-build an actual Chicano Movement to help it all. 
Venceremos! We Will Win! Educate to Liberate!
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California
From: javier rodriguez <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 5:16 PM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] A MUST TO KEEP OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform

To all Friends and Family

Don't be fooled, since Inauguration Day 2009, the real opposition to Immigration Reform, legalization and overhauling the broken system has been the extreme right, the ultra conservatives in government, on the air waves, the conservative media including Latino National Conservative Networks, the anti immigrant right, Jan Brewer, Kris Kobach and FAIR, etc. In other words, the ones who along with the Republican Party and Mitt Romney were defeated in the recent November 2012 presidential elections. Their slogan of self deportation and immigrant hate failed and it was the broad array of forces grouped in an electoral coalition of women, blacks, asians, gays, labor, progressive forces,  and 11 million Latinos who voted at a whopping 75% against the Republican ticket and their trying desperately to get back up. So read on and keep your eyes on the prize: Don't follow the smokescreens. Identify the enemies and unify all the allies nationally so we can reach the 27 year goal of progressive Legalization for our people. Remenber brothers and sisters, Legalization Empowerment is the principal dialectical contradiction to resolve in 2013 and the momentum to get there is the highest its been, but it has yet to reach the top, ZAZ, Javier 

Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform

Meet The Conservatives Trying To Stop Immigration Reform
Benjy Sarlin January 31, 2013, 6:00 AM11220
Immigration reformers have the winds at their backs this week, buoyed by support not not just from Republican senators, but an array of conservative interest groups who have signed on to their cause. But the reignited debate is also driving opposition hardliners out into the open, offering the clearest picture yet of the fault lines Congress must overcome to pass a bill.
Among lawmakers, most Republicans in Congress are taking a wait-and-see approach for now. An exception in the Senate is David Vitter (R-LA), who ripped into Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Wednesday as "amazingly naive" and "nuts" for supporting the Senate's bipartisan plan.
In the House, a handful of Republican members made clear immediately that they were not on board for anything resembling the reforms under discussion in the Senate and White House. And despite Republican efforts to neutralize attacks on a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants as "amnesty," the dreaded a-word was at the center of their attacks.
"By granting amnesty, the Senate proposal actually compounds the problem by encouraging more illegal immigration," Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) said in a statement.
"It's very difficult for me to support something that allows that type of amnesty," Rep. Peter King (R-NY) told Newsday.
Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) has also taken on an early role as an outspoken critic of reform.
At least as troubling for national Republicans hoping to use immigration talks as a means to repair their political standing after 2012 is conservative media's reaction. While some major TV personalities like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly have voiced support for a comprehensive bill, other major outlets and commentators are preparing for war. And already the conversation is drifting to arguments that could further alienate Hispanic voters.
One emerging meme on the right, for example, is that Hispanics will never vote for Republicans because their community is inherently contemptuous of capitalism and family values. This was a key argument in the National Review's editorial condemning the Senate's immigration framework on Wednesday:
"[I]f we are to take Hispanics at their word, conservative attitudes toward illegal immigration are a minor reason for their voting preferences. While many are in business for themselves, they express hostile attitudes toward free enterprise in polls. They are disproportionately low-income and disproportionately likely to receive some form of government support. More than half of Hispanic births are out of wedlock. Take away the Spanish surname and Latino voters look a great deal like many other Democratic constituencies."
Rush Limbaugh, who recently declared that "it's up to me and FOX News" to stop a bill from passing, told Rubio in an interview that he believed immigrants no longer came to America because they wanted "to become citizens of the greatest country on earth."
"I've seen a number of research, scholarly research data, which says that a vast majority of arriving immigrants today come here because they believe that government is the source of prosperity, and that's what they support," Limbaugh said.
As he did with Limbaugh, Rubio has been making the rounds with almost every major conservative media personality to pitch reform. But while they've offered him a respectful hearing and often praised him personally, many still appear skeptical of any legislation and could form the core of any organized opposition to a bill.
RedState's Erick Erickson, often a bellwether for the conservative grassroots, also opposed the Senate's plan, albeit for less conventionally partisan reasons than Limbaugh or the National Review. According to Erickson, one of his chief concerns was that the bill doesn't expand legal immigration to low-skill workers enough to discourage people from entering the country illegally. Rubio wrote a lengthy point-by-point rebuttal on Erickson's site arguing that a temporary worker program included in the Senate plan would address the issue.
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