Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Immigration rights advocates focus on families: LA Times,0,5584554.story

Erik S. Lesser / Chicago Tribune
At an evangelical church in Norcross, Ga., last month, the audience heard from children affected by the crackdown on illegal immigration. Organizers are planning a rally in Washington to pressure President Obama to prioritize comprehensive immigration reform.

Immigration rights advocates focus on families

Immigration crackdown
Erik S. Lesser / Chicago Tribune
At an evangelical church in Norcross, Ga., last month, the audience heard from children affected by the crackdown on illegal immigration. Organizers are planning a rally in Washington to pressure President Obama to prioritize comprehensive immigration reform.
Children left behind by deported parents have become the new face of the campaign. Borrowing a page from the civil rights movement, supporters have taken their cause to churches.
By Dahleen Glanton

March 10, 2009
Reporting from Norcross, Ga. -- On a recent afternoon, 15-year-old Marlon Parras stood on stage in front of 3,000 people and talked about the hardships he and his 13-year-old sister have faced since their parents were deported to Guatemala.

He wept as he spoke of his parents' decision to leave them, both American citizens, with relatives and church members so they could continue their education in suburban Atlanta.

"This is not a family," Marlon told the crowd. "This is not fair."

Two years after an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws failed in Congress, Latino leaders have revitalized the effort -- positioning children who were left behind when their parents were deported as the new face of the movement. The campaign is designed to pressure President Obama to make comprehensive immigration reform a priority.

Borrowing a page from the civil rights movement of the 1960s, supporters of immigration rights have taken their cause to churches, drawing upon the growing population of evangelical Latinos, who are strong advocates of family values. Nearly 1 in 6 Latinos in the U.S. identify themselves as evangelicals, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Only Roman Catholics make up a larger group.

"We want to make sure President Barack Obama understands that while [the economy] . . . needs his attention, we want him to keep his promise to address comprehensive immigration reform during the first year of his first term," said Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who has organized rallies in 17 cities. "Our families are the cornerstone of our society, and we want to protect those families."

The mostly Latino audience that packed the large evangelical church in Norcross prayed, sang spirituals and heard from families -- including the Parrases -- that have been torn apart.

Their stories are designed to focus attention on what community leaders said was the most tragic consequence of the crackdown on illegal immigration: the breakup of families. It is a problem that Latino leaders have said affects up to 5 million children, most of whom were born in the U.S. and therefore are citizens.

During tough economic times, it may be difficult to gain public support for legislation that could provide legal citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants.

Still, Gutierrez -- who shared the church stage with Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a civil rights icon -- brought the effort deep into conservative territory, where many support plans to secure the borders rather than grant widespread citizenship. Georgia has one of the fastest-growing illegal immigrant populations in the nation, rising to about 490,000 in 2008 from 228,000 in 2000, according to state estimates.

But Latino leaders are hoping that concern and empathy for broken families will galvanize their community and draw the support of others. Organizers are gathering thousands of petitions and plan a rally in Washington in July.

"When you have a 15-year-old American citizen speak very emotionally and eloquently about his pain, most Americans will say, 'We didn't know the system was that broken,' " said Gutierrez, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus' immigration task force. "Americans do support the basic premise that children should not be held accountable for the actions of adults."

Latinos turned out 2 to 1 for Obama over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in the 2008 presidential election, and helped him capture key battleground states such as New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Florida. Now they want him to honor his campaign promise.

"We understand that Mr. Obama is in a difficult position," said the Rev. Miguel Rivera, president of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders, which represents 20,000 churches in 34 states. "Latinos supported him because they were extremely disappointed with Republicans and the ultra-conservative right wing evangelical movement. So it is important that he make immigration reform a priority."

Michael Franc, vice president for government relations for the conservative Heritage Foundation, said overhauling immigration laws was a divisive subject among Democrats as well as Republicans.

"They hate it. It's radioactive on both sides of the aisle," Franc said. "There was a schism on the Democratic side during the last immigration debate, but because the Republicans were so vocal in their opposition, no one noticed the Democrats' reluctance."

When people are out of work and struggling to keep their families together, there is less sympathy for illegal immigrants, he said. A tight job market and the competition for jobs provided in the federal stimulus package also could influence public perceptions about immigration.

"If you are trying to reach out to newer audiences and expand the pro-immigration reform level of support, it is easier to feel sympathy for the horror stories coming into your living room on your TV screen when things are going well for everybody," Franc said. "If you have a job, the story of those kids pulls on your heartstrings, but it is perceived differently when you are wondering how you are going to pay your bills because the economy is tanking."

Still, Latino leaders are highlighting the stories of people like Tanyia Lopez, 12, whose mother was deported to Honduras last year, leaving her and her four younger siblings, including a chronically ill 2-year-old. Their 16-year-old aunt dropped out of high school to care for them full time. They recently faced eviction because their grandmother lost her job. They have depended on their church for survival.

"The little ones don't understand what happened to our mom," Tanyia said, adding that they have no money to join her in Honduras. "We all miss her and we want to be together."

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Education for Liberation! Join Up!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Educating Latinos:

The future of the United States depends to a large extent on the progress of the Latino community. This is not empty rhetoric, but rather a reality based on the demographic changes our country is experiencing. Understanding this has serious national implications, specially in the area of education.

New Census Bureau figures show that a quarter of all children in early childhood education in the United States are of Latino origin, which means that in a little over a decade —if this trend continues—they will be the new majority.

Today's children are tomorrow's workforce. With their effort and knowledge, they will create our country's wealth, and with their taxes, they will support the retirement of a large generation of retirees that keeps growing larger as people live longer.

Now the question is: Are we preparing today's students for the responsibilities of tomorrow?

The answer is no. Young Latinos are lagging farthest behind in the educactional achievement for a variety of reasons, ranging from the home to the school system, from a lack of English to the absence of resources to give them the tools they need and to motivate them to stay in school.

The comprehensive approach that ensures young people's development from preschool to adolescence is the path to follow. Unfortunately, that same path is the one suffering from the cuts in public education caused by the state economic crisis. In May, Californians will have the opportunity to vote on initiatives that change current school funding to address other budget priorities.

Meanwhile, nationally, the No Child Left Behind program has not fulfilled its purpose of helping minority students due to a lack of financial support. This is an urgent matter—yet another one—that must be addressed by the Obama administration.

In Los Angeles, we hope the recent election of two new members to the Los Angeles Unified School District Board will drive changes in the system. With them on board, there is majority support for the change promoted by Mayor Villaraigosa. It is time to start living up to expectations.

Education is a pillar of society that determines its future. In the United States, like it or not, the progress of Latinos is inseparable from our country's future. Now is the time to understand this.


Education for Liberation! Join Up!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta

Crackdown on illegal immigration brings distrust, racial profiling risks

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Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Visits Washington, DC

Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Visits Washington, DC

SACRAMENTO ( - This week the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) is having its legislative conference in Washington, DC. The California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is sending a delegation along with representatives of other Hispanic Chambers of Commerce from up and down the state.

The Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will be represented by Dr. Emir Jose Macari, Vice Chair for Advocacy and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the California State University, Sacramento -- our Sacramento State.

During the current financial crisis that is affecting every part of our economy, it is more important than ever to have good representation for the Hispanic/Latino community as President Obama's administration begins to work on a recovery that will lessen the impact of the recession and helps us emerge stronger than ever.

Everyone has heard about the "Stimulus Package" officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. ARRA has been designed to make a swift and significant impact on our economy and to stop the bleeding of jobs and investment losses through out the United States. California is one of a handful of states that has been disproportionately affected by the financial and credit crises so it is most important that we have strong representation in Washington at an historic time like now.

President Obama to Address USHCC

Tuesday morning President Barack Obama will speak about Education at the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's opening session of its 19th Annual Legislative Conference and how it has been the key to fuller integration of Latinos into mainstream American society.

US unemployment figures show that we have surpassed the 10% mark, and more jobs are being lost every day. However, among educated populations, those with at least a Bachelor's degree, that figure is much lower; currently around 4.1%. That is why it is critically important that we inform our constituents of the need to attain more and better education.

The SHCC is front and center in the struggle to create a more educated Hispanic workforce, and its members are being represented every step of the way. We have endorsed or opposed candidates and legislation in order to improve the position of Hispanic business leaders. We are currently working with the California Air Resources Board to ensure that AB-32, a much needed legislation that was championed by one of us, former speaker Fabian Nunez, does not impact negatively on Hispanic-owned businesses, especially at this time when we are in recovery mode.

We need to ensure that as college education becomes more expensive and further away from the reach of many of our underserved constituents, the Federal Government invests in grants and scholarships to make it more affordable and to help our Hispanic population become empowered and full members of the recovering economy.

This is a time to retool, rethink and position ourselves in a place where we can better impact the growth of our state's economy. Education of Latinos plays a crucial role at this time. We need to ensure that Latino parents and their children understand how critical it is to receive an education and, in so doing ,become part of the solution and not add to the problems of our state. Together we can! As we get ready to honor the legacy of one of our most important leaders, Cesar Chavez, we should join our voices together and yell out "SI SE PUEDE"......(Yes we can).....but to do so, we need everyone's involvement.

Education for Liberation! Join Up!
Peter S. Lopez aka: Peta