Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Advise Obama No Policy of Escalation in Afghanistan! ~ Rosalio Urias Munoz


Advise Obama No Policy of Escalation in Afghanistan!

To members of Latinos For Peace

Rosalio Urias Munoz October 25 at 1:36pm Reply

President Obama is reviewing our policy in Afghanistan, Gen MacChrystal wants to excalate policy to one of "counter insurgency" meaning towards long term occupation and nation building, targetting and Taliban as much or more than defeating Al Queda. Republicans are pushing to send troops in now with the cry to support our troops with more troops. MacChrystal wants a change from where Obama campaigned last year. Latinos for Peace is telling Obama we do not want more troops in Afghanistan.

We need to strongly counter the right wing push for escalation. Obama needs to hear our peace message loud and clear. Last week Rep Nydia Velazquez, chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus became a cosponsor of HR3699 not to send more troops to Afghanistan. This weekend at a townhall in his District Rep. Xavier Becerra, vice chair of the Democratic caucus spoke out against any rush to send more troops, raising concerns about the Afghanistan governments stability, the level of international support, the budgetary costs, and more.

We have a peace majority in our country, especially in lower income communities of color whose youth are heavily at risk, and who want and need much greater domestic funding priorities. We cannot be a silent majority. We need, to speak out and raise our concerns in concerted ways. Latinos for Peace helps make a differnce. We have 218 members on Facebook, lets continue to build. We can make a difference. Here is our latest list of facebook members.

Latinos For Peace
Latinos For Peace today calls for no escalation of the war in Afghanistan and for expedited withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as an end to the coup government in Honduras.

Latinos For Peace was started in 2005 by Latino Peace Activists to mobilize Latinos to call for an end to the war and occupation of Iraq, oppose the Bush preemptive war policies, and call for reducing funds for militarism for human needs at home and abroad.

It is dedicated to raising consciousness in our communities about peace issues and taking demonstrative, legislative and electoral action in our communities and in coalition with peace, civil right, labor, environmental and other peoples groups to these ends

You Can Join on Facebook
Or contact: chalio.Munoz@yahoo.com

Steven Acevedo
Rene Aguilera, Sacramento CA
Paloma Andrade, Chicago IL
Raul A Anorve, Los Angeles CA
Cindy Aragon
Rudy Arredondo, Washington DC Rick Banales, Los Angeles, CA
Gloria Arellanes, Los Angeles CA
Tom Arellanes, Albuquerque NM
Luis Ayala, Los Angeles CA
Paulette Razo Avila, CSU Northridge
Hector Barajas, Los Angeles CA
Norma Barragan, Los Angeles CA
Tamara Barragan
William Bejarano, Los Angeles CA
Thomas Benitez, Shakespeare Festival/LA
Ricardo U. Berg
Alberto Bocanegra Jr., Chicago IL
Anne Denise Brace
Romo Bravo-Lopez, Chicago, IL
Mario Brito
Alyssa Burgin, San Antonio TX
Jose P. Bustamante, San Antonio TX
Jesse Hussein Cao, Lansing/East Lansing MI
Felicia Equality Carbajal, Los Angeles CA
Hector Carbaal, El Paso TX
Barbara Carrasco, Los Angeles, CA
Sergio Carrillo, Los Angeles CA
Joselin Castro-Lopez, Dr. Hery A. Wise, Jr HS
Cultura y Mas, Los Angeles CA
Casa De Maryland, Washington DC
Casa Esperanza, Central New Jersey
Gaby Castillo, Los Angeles CA
Lori Ann Castillo, San Antonio TX
Richard Castro Jr, Los Angeles,
Cristobal Cavazos, Chicago IL
Sara Cazares, Stockton/Modesto CA
Fredy Ceja, Los Angeles CA
Victoria Cepeda Mojarro, Los Angeles
Leroy Chatfield
Michael A. Chavez
Lisa Chong, Loyola Marymount
Adelaido Clara-Diaz, Minneapolis/St Paul MN Nathalie Contreras, UCLA
Karen Clendenin-Vargas
Stephanie Olivares Cross, San Antonio TX
Juan L. Cruz, Los Angeles CA
Jose B. Cuellar
Ricardo Cueva Jr
Antonia Darder
Justin Davila
Mary Davila, San Antonio TX
Juan Carlos De Luna, Los Angeles CA
Abelardo DLP, Los Angeles CA
Victoria Delgadillo
Rakel Delgado
Leandro Della Piana, Proidence RI Miguel Mambo Deleon, Kansas City MO
Jim DeMaegt, Los Angeles CA
Ralph De Unamuno, East Bay CA
Belinda Diaz, Minneapolis/StPaul MN
Eva A. Dominguez, Los Angeles CA
Marco Durazo
Cecilia Elizarraz, Las Vegas NV
Angie English
Luis Espinosa-Organista, Denver CO
Dionne Espinoza
S Debra Evans, Los Angeles CA
Sonya Fe
Raymundo Ferdin, East Bay CA
Joelle Fishman
Consuelo Flores
Foklor Pasion Mexicano
Luis Ortiz-Franco
Luch Freund, Orange County CA
Adriana Garcia
Isaura Garcia
Liz Rivera Goldstein, Seattle WA
Bernardo Gomez
Nancy M. Gomez, Los Angeles CA
Maria Gomez-Murphy Harvard
Charlotte Gonzales, Allstate
Jose Gonzales, Los Angeles CA
Nita Gonzales
Hector Eduardo Gonzalez, Miami FL
Salvador Gonzalez, Los Angeles CA
Sandrini Gonzalez, Los Angeles CA
Mark Gonzalez, Los Angeles CA
Pete Gonzalez
Paul Gonzo
Alexandro Jose Gradilla, Los Angeles CA
Lulu Guevara, Los Angeles CA
Vilma Guillen
Daniel Gutierrez, Los Angeles CA
Elena Gutierrez, Chicago IL
Emelda Gutierrez
Gail Gutierrez, East Bay CA
Zelda Haro, Eugene OR
Eugene Hernandez
Laura Hernandez, Los Angeles A
Roberto D. Hernandez, Berkeley
Irene Hernandez-Blair, Inland Empire CA
Therese U. Hernandez-Cano
John Herrera
Kanny Hoelscher, Silicon Valley CA
Arlene Inouye, Los Angeles CA
Paul Krehbiel
Ainca La, Los Angeles CA
Las Locas
LatinoJustice Prldef, New York NY
Sonia Joey Lee, Los Angeles CA
Carlos j. Leon, Los Angeles, CA
Alejandro Londono, New York, NY
Hector Lopez, Fresno CA
Luis Lopez, Los Angeles CA
Miguel Vigil Lopez
Peter S. Lopez, Sacramento CA
Ron Lopez, Sonoma
Miguel Lorenzana, Los Angeles CA
Pepe Lozano, Chicago IL
Daniel Ryne Lucio, TAMI Corp. "Chr.
Hector M Lugardo, Philadelphia PA
Sandoval Luis
Harold Luizaga
Heriberto F Luna, Los Angeles CA
Cord MacGuire
Alfred Magallanes, Cal Poly Pomona
Christopher Mandarano, Inland Empire CA
Darwin E. Marenco-Romero, Los Angeles CA
Jesse Marez, Los Angeles, CA
Daniel H. Marquez Washington DC
Evelyn Marquez, Los Angeles CA
Rosamaria Marquez, Los Angeles CA
Pilar Marrero, Los Angeles CA
Alma Martinez, Claremont Colleges
Roberta H Martinez
Ana Mascarenas, Los Angeles CA
Balmore Adalberto Membeno, Los Angeles CA
Maritza Mendizabal, Los Angeles CA
Stephanie Meza, Los Angeles CA
Sherrie Miranda
Ursula Mlynarek, Alerno
Alva Moreno, Los Angeles CA
Dorinda Moreno
Rosalio Urias Munoz, Los Angeles
Andres C. Nieves, San Antonio TX
Georgie Noguera
Griselda Nunez
Roberto Xicano Olivarez, Los Angeles
Cesar Ortega, Los Angeles C
Edmond Ortiz, San Antonio TX
Esteban Ortiz, Columbus OH
Joe Ortiz, Inland Empire, CA
Jesous Orosco, Silicon Valley CA
Silvia Ortuno
Michael Parenti
Pedro Per, Sonoma/Napa CA
Enriue Peralta, Los Angeles CA
Francis Peralta, New York, NY
David Perez, Phoenix AZ
Steve Perez
Adriana Petterz, CSU Long Beach
Pocho-one Fotography, San Francisco,CA
Gilson Puerta, Toronto ON
Armando Ramirez, San Diego CA
Fernando Ramirez
Marco Ramirez
Paula Prendiz Rangel, Phoenix AZ
Ruben Rangel, New York
Robert Renteria, Chicago IL
Alex Reza
Alicia Diane Rhoden, Los Angeles CA
Slvia Robledo
Fernando Balderas Rodriguez
Javier Rodriguez, Los Angeles CA
Lucy Rodriguez
Vanessa Rodriguez
Denise Rodriguez-Joslin
Masry Rodriguez-Lopez, UCLA
Miguel Roura, Los Angeles CA
Juan Carlos Ruiz, New York NY
Abel Salas
Karla Salazar, Los Angeles CA
Karla V. Salazar UCLA
Gilber Sanchez
Minerva Santiago, New York NY
Berenice Sarmiento, San Diego CA
Marta Segura, Los Angeles CA
Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, New York NY
Kevin Sifuentes, Los Angeles CA
Sin Fronteras
Lee Siu Hin, Los Angeles Ca
Lisa Smithline, Los Angeles CA
Luis Sosa
Dalila Sotelo, Los Angeles CA
Soy Bolivia Punto Net, Bolivia
Rhonda Solis, Northern Colorado CO
Andy Taylor, Winnipeg MB
Beatriz Tapia, East Los Angeles College
Adam Tenney, New York NY
Peter Tovar, Los Angeles CA
Alex Trillo, Los Angeles CA
Nelson Urrutia
Jimmy Valenzuela, Los Angeles CA
Jose Luis Valenzuela, UCLA
Chiclete Vavoom, Los Angeles CA
Charlie Vazquez, New York, NY
Gerry Vazquez, New York, NY
Kristiana Velasco, Los Angeles, CA
Ro Velasco
Luis C Velasquez, New York, NY
Laura Velkei
Guadalupe Viales, Fresno CA
Victor Villasenor
Devra Weber, Los Angeles CA
Dave Williams
Brian Ybarra, Austin TX
Jaime Germs Zacarias
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Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. López aka:~Peta-de-Aztlan~

Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com 



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