Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Aztatl > Re: [NetworkAztlan_News] Editorial: Knowing When to Leave Public Office in Latin America: via the LA Times

10-27-2009 ~ @12:30 PM/PST
Gracias Hermano Aztatl~ Latinos in Amerka {with a k' in reference to the United States of AmeriKa} are certainly in the ideal geographical location for having a huge impact on social, political AND military matters but alas in so many ways we are still a divided scattered out people.

Once united, mobilized and educated we can have a huge impact on the course of potential world history!

After centuries of poor, oppression and exploitation we cannot even fully agree on a common term with which to identify ourselves! Latinos will do for now, though being an ol' Chicano I still have a fondness for the term La Raza Cosmica.

We need to arm ourselves HERE NOW in all ways possible. What good is a mind if we are not mentally free of the mass psychology of Amerikan Fascism? What good is a gun without the courage to pull the trigger? An expensive club? What good is a spirit without a profound revolutionary consciousness?

Related Links for us to brush up on the History of U.S. Military Inventions in Latin America:





In reference to LA Times Editorial ~
http://tinyurl. com/yj9yme2

It does not matter who is in office anywhere in the Americas as long as the central federal government of the United States is still under the power of the corporate state hierarchy. The U.S. government has no moral authority over how long any President wants to remain in office IF he or she has the mass support of the people of a given region. The U.S. government cannot use the prestige of power to dictate the forms of democracy in Latin America! The U.S. economy itself is bankrupt and its mis-leaders are spiritually bankrupt!

A people who are not armed with a profound liberating education that boldly exposes evildoers, a people who are not united with a sound strategy and set of flexible tactics, a people who do not have a high level of social consciousness ~ will never be liberated!

Collectively we have the potential power to change the world! Ya basta!


Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!

Peter S. López aka:~Peta-de-Aztlan~

Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com 



Come Together! Join Up! Seize the Time!



From: Aztatl Garza <aztatlxikano@gmail.com>
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Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 10:34:45 PM
Subject: [NetworkAztlan_News] Editorial: Knowing When to Leave Public Office in Latin America: via the LA Times


Poppy cock & propoganda~
Interference by United States interests around the globe seek to replace popular presidents  through the use of violent military coups. The question is not that presidents in Latin America don't know when to leave, attempting to block or do away with democracy. The question is how to do away with interference from outside sources that threaten the security of the region. Prime examples, the military coups in Honduras & Chile, the occupations of Vietnam, Panama & Iraq, the isolation of Cuba. All were preyed upon by outside influences. It is in the nature of colonialism that exists today as neo-colonialism, but is not afraid to use the police or the army when they feel they are threatened by the power & organization of the people.
Enlighten us, LA Times. When will you write an editorial about how the right wing, suported by the CIA, spies & interferes with the democracy of citizens here in their own back yard; branding their own U.S. citizens as national security risks, interfering with our livelihoods.  The opposition & control over freedom of speech, freedom of assembly on our streets, the freedom of ideas in our writings has occured in our "democracy" since the early days of the founding of the country. A founding that was based on genecide of indigenous people from Canada to Argebtina. What kind of founding of a nation is it, based upon denying women, & people of color, the right to vote, or own property. We have been struggling for justice since that beginning. Have folks already forgotten the McCarthy era in the 1950's, when citizens were persecuted, black balled by ball-less politicians who hid behind lies & fear mongering about the Red Menace & today terrorism?
Somebody, please cut me some slack, jack so we can talk back & gain the confidence we seem to lack. He or she who resides in a glass ceiling house should not be tossing stones, nor innuendo, nor their arbitrary interpretations regarding how to conduct our lives. What psycological  malady explanation is given for the obssesion named greed, that prevalant deviant desire to be rich & create monopolies & financial dictatorships? How is the cost of an election campaign placing the process out of the reach of common folks? Does not this approach to elections endanger the democracy of our own region?
Why does the mass media, owned & controlled by right wing moneyed interests, think that we are ignorant about what goes on around us? How can there exist lasting peace in the world when justice is missing?
Sisters & Brothers, co-conspirators, lovers of freedom & democracy, these are the questions we should be asking of the powers that rule over our daily lives & the lives of millions upon millions of people around the world.  We should be demanding justice, accountability, & out of Latin America, now.
Aztatl, Wobbly, Albuquerque, NM
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 7:00 AM, PETER S LOPEZ <peter.lopez51@ yahoo.com> wrote:

http://tinyurl. com/yj9yme2

Editorial: Knowing when to leave in Latin America

Leaders who circumvent term limits undermine the region's democratic progress.

October 26, 2009

As Latin America's military dictatorships fell one by one in the late 20th century, incipient democracies across the region sought to stamp out caudillo caudillo culture with constitutions that limited their newly elected leaders to one term in office.......

Copyright © 2009, The Los Angeles Times

Education for Liberation! Venceremos Unidos!
Peter S. López aka:~Peta-de- Aztlan~
Email: peter.lopez51@ yahoo.com
http://twitter. com/Peta51

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